Just friends right?

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"Anna please listen to me. She's too powerful. Trust me, I've been looking into this for years." Anna just kept pacing around Alexanders bedroom before sitting down on the bed. The pups were cuddled next to me on the bed and Alexander was leaning against the wall just glaring at the floor.

"Look Aryanna I have power too. I could do whatever I wanted to her and get away with it. So far you're not making any points against me." I just sighed.

"All I'm asking is for you guys to please calm down just a little. I need to do this on my terms and at the right time. Please just trust me. She thinks she'll make my life a living hell but she's wrong. I'll make her life look like hell is paradise." I gave them a wicked smile and Anna just stared at me in shock and Alexander just smirked at me.

"Well you heard the woman. That's all for that. Now, let me show you your room. All of your boxes are already up there and the puppy stuff is there as well." He reached down next to me and pet Grey and Blue. The pups were passed out so he picked them up like they weighed nothing and lead me to my room, "Your room is right next to mine. Keep in mind that if you want to do anything please keep quiet. I don't think you're that kind of girl but just figured I'd give you a warning. There are only two rooms in this house that are soundproof."

"What rooms are they?" His face went blank.

"Ones that you'll never see. I forgot there's one more room that's soundproof but I don't think you're ready for that yet." He looked at me and winked. This bastard had a fucking bondage room. Why am I not surprised.

"Of course you have a bondage room. I'm not surprised."

"No offense Ari but Alexander, that's fucking hot." I stared at her dumbfounded while Alexander just laughed to the point he couldn't breathe.

"Why thank you I guess."

My room was basically the exact same as his except I had a normal king size bed and the walls were a sky blue instead of grey. It was beautiful but for some reason I felt better in Alexander's room which is stupid of me. Anna and I started organizing my stuff. After an hour we were done and Alexander came up and got us for lunch. The rest of the day was spent hanging out with the two of them and exploring the rest of the house. Eventually Anna went home and Alexander and I ordered pizza and watched movies before we both agreed to go to bed. Once I was in the room I called my dad. I put the phone on speaker and laid down on the bed.

"Hey dad."

"Hey Aryanna. Did you get there ok? Is your room nice? Alexander hasn't tried anything has he? Is Anna still there with you? Are you already unpacked?"

"Dad I love you shut up. Yes I got here ok, yes my room is nice, no Alexander hasn't tried anything he's been very respectful, no Anna is not here she left a few hours ago, yes I'm unpacked. Everything is ok."

"Good I'm glad. I miss you."

"I miss you too dad." There was a knock at my door before it opened and Alexander walked in.

"Who's that? Is Alexander in your room? Just say the words and I'll be there as soon as I can." Alexander just laughed as my dad kept going on and on before Alexander sat down next to the phone.

"Hey Mr. Haynes. I just came in to make sure that Aryanna was comfortable and didn't need anything before I went to bed." I heard my dad let out a sigh of relief.

"Ah ok. As long as you're taking care of her all will be good. Put me on speaker please Alexander." Alexander just smiled because the phone was already on speaker, "I love you Aryanna text me in the morning when you wake up. Alexander, take care of my daughter and don't you dare touch her."

"Yes sir." He just laughed.

"Ok I love you dad but I'm going to bed now. Ok love you bye." I hung up on him and plugged in my phone.

"He truly does love you."

"Yeah I guess. Anyway I'm ok and don't need anything. Thank you Alexander for checking on me. Goodnight." He looked at me hesitantly before heading to the door.

"Goodnight Aryanna."

After a few hours I finally fell asleep.


"Aryanna you whore you just couldn't stop at taking my boyfriend you took the man mom was going to arrange me to marry."

"No. That's not true. I didn't want this. It isn't even real. Please, just don't hurt me."

"You idiot child. I question if you are actually mine. How could something so ugly come out of me and then to top it off she acts like a hoe."

"No mom please listen. With Aaron he tried to rape me. Please don't do this."

"Aryanna you piece of shit."

"No mom please."

"Aryanna you need to just wake up and stop acting like a child."

"Lexi please don't do this."

"Aryanna you need to wake up!" Wait, that isn't mom or Lexi's voice.

"Aryanna please wake up sweetheart."


"Aryanna come on wake up." I open my eyes and look over at Alexander who let out a sigh when he saw me looking at him. His hair was messed up. He must've just got out of bed.

"What's wrong?"

"You were screaming in your sleep. I could hear you from my room. I've been trying to wake you up for 10 minutes. Do you want water or anything?" He looked me over with a worried look.

"A water would be nice." He smiled at me and ran downstairs to get some water. I could feel my bandage was messed up and was soaked with blood. I looked down at the bed sheets and my shirt. The bed sheets had blood on them and the shirt was soaked.

"Here's some water. You were struggling in your sleep so your bandage is messed up. I don't know how bad though so let's fix that." I just nodded and before I could stand up he picked me up bridal style and carried me to his bathroom. Once we were in his bathroom he saw how bad it was and his face went white.

"It's ok really. It's just that the shirt is white and it makes it look worse." I smiled at him but he glared at me.

"Let's get you fixed up. You're going to have to sleep in my room tonight because your sheets have blood on them."

"Where will you sleep?"

"I'll sleep on the floor. I don't want to leave you alone just incase you start having another nightmare." The though of sleeping in the same room as a guy should be terrifying but for some reason I trust him.

"It's ok really. Alexander you have a California king size bed. There's enough room. I'll be ok. I promise." He looked at me to make sure I was serious.

"You're absolutely sure?" I nodded, "Ok if you say so. I'll make sure to stay as far away as I can." I just nod and he finishes fixing my bandage and brings me back to the bed. He gives me the glass of water and softly tucks me in and heads over to the other side of the bed. For some reason although I knew he was there I just couldn't help thinking that he was too far away.

"Hey Alexander?" He just hummed in response, "This is going to sound weird but could you scoot closer? If you don't want to that's fine but I don't know." He sat up and stared at me before he moved next to me. I rested my head on his chest and I could hear him suck in a breath before sighing in content.

"I'm always here Aryanna. If you need anything just ask. That's what friends are for." He could hear that he forced the word friends.

"Yeah. Friends."

"Get some sleep Aryanna."

"Ok. Goodnight."


I finally fell asleep and for once it was a dreamless sleep and I knew I was going to be ok. There was only one problem. I liked Alexander but I also couldn't get Luca out of my head. For some reason the random boy from the coffee shop made me feel the same way I did with Alexander. They made me feel cared for and safe. Who knows. This is a conversation with Anna for tomorrow.

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