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Waking up with Alex and Luca cuddling me is the worst and best feeling in the whole world. I'm enjoying the comfort they're giving me but they give off so much body heat I feel like I'm going to die. They're also talking to each other and I know that they're trying to be quiet but if they don't shut up I'm going to kill them. I think they still think I'm asleep.

Alex was resting his head on mine and I could feel him smile, "She's so cute when she sleeps." 

"Yeah well she won't be cute if you two don't shut the fuck up. Be quiet or leave damnit." That definitely made them both shut up. I think they were both debating if they wanted to stay or go which made me smile because I know they care.

"We're just gonna go downstairs. Is that ok?"

I nodded at Luca and they both moved out of the bed after giving me a small kiss on my head. The second they left the bed it was like a wave of cold air surrounded me and I just gave a sigh of relief. I finally didn't feel like I was dying of heat stroke. Even though I haven't left the bed yet I could already tell that today is going to be a long day.


After watching Alex push Luca out of the kitchen, I finally got breakfast. It's funny because they both act like completely different people when they're not with each other. I can tell that they both aren't completely comfortable with each other but they're trying and it's good enough for me.

Dylan was still here with us, I think he was just comedic relief at this point. He was doing everything he could to piss off Luca and Alex which I personally found hilarious but they did not. I could see the smile on Dylan's face and I knew that he was just doing it so they worked together. The entire time we were eating I just laughed with Dylan as he told me about all the stupid things they all did as kids.

"As much as I love everything about this conversation, I want you guys to teach me how to fight and shoot." They all looked at me and sighed but stood up anyway and started to clean off the table.

I swear they did everything as slow as they could. They picked up every dish one by one when they usually take them in a huge stack. They also walked as slow as they could and kept 'forgetting things'. Once the entire table was cleared off Luca and Alex decided they both needed to go change and go to the bathroom. Even Dylan was done with their shit.

"Alexander, Lucan, if you two don't hurry your asses up I swear I will make Dylan take me downstairs and start teaching me how to fight!" That made them both run down and glare at me but I just smiled at Dylan and shrugged before following them down.

Even though it wasn't a long walk it still felt like hours before we finally got down to their little 'bunker'. I saw this room yesterday but it still amazes me but also freaks me out a little considering there was a whole wall of guns. As we walked past it, towards another door, Luca paused a little to glare at the wall but both Alex and Dylan acted as if it wasn't even there which doesn't surprise me considering they're used to it. I know that Luca truly loves Alex and Dylan even if he acts like he doesn't care.

Everything about them is amazing. They care a lot even if they act like they don't and they also still have a child side to them. It's amusing truly, they go from chasing each other around the house and laughing about each other to all business talk and completely serious. Honestly I do truly care about them and I know I can trust them but they think I shouldn't. They're good guys but they  just can't see it. Yes they hide things and keep secrets but it's honestly for the good of other people. Maybe this is all just me trying to psychoanalyze them but I at least know that they aren't as bad as they think they are.

When we finally got to the little gym they all stopped and stared at me. It was a big room but it wasn't really huge. I'd say it's about the size of a small elementary school gym or maybe a little dance studio. The floor was a nice oak wood that had a darker stain to it. I swear I could see my own reflection from the floor. The room had a area in the corner that had a bunch of exercise equipment like a punching bag, weights and weight lifting equipment but what was truly amazing was what was in the middle of the room. In the middle of the room there was a training mat that was as clean as it could ever be.

"When was the last time you guys used this place? It's fucking sparkling clean."

"I made Dylan clean it up so it was clean before you came down here."

"Yeah, Alex made me do all of the slave work." He looked at me and smiled but gave me a pouty face, "They're so mean to me." He threw his hand over his forehead and sighed which just made me laugh and both Luca and Alex just rolled their eyes.

"Well alright then gentlemen, teach me how to fight." No one moved so I ran my hand through my hair and just closed my eyes. "Do I really need to do this again?" When no one answered I just smiled and looked at Dylan, "Dylan come here." He smirked as he walked over to me. He put a little sway in his hips and puffed out his chest a little which just made everything funnier. He knew exactly what I was doing and he was going to help.

Once he stopped in front of me he just smiled. I grabbed his hand and pulled him over to the training mat which was only a few feet away. I could hear Alex and Luca almost growl like dogs as soon as I touched Dylan's hand. I always thought that was just a thing people put in books for dramatic emphasis but hearing it now I guess it is a real thing. Either way, it's time for the fun to begin

I just smirked up at Dylan, "Let's begin."

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