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May 1, 2018
Rionne's POV

"If you're going to smoke, do it outside stupid." Hearing this, I immediately look at the source of the voice and ignored her, pretending like I didn't heard what she said. "Gosh, if you won't stop, i'll remove your name on this project!" As if a cue, i throw my cigarette right away, making sure that no one saw me.

I may be like this, but i do care about my studies the most. Well, it's my only card to pull when i got into trouble. My mom don't care if i did something as long as i got high grades, my credit cards will be fine.

"Such a grade conscious for a bad boy like you." I only throw her a glance. If you're asking who she is, you better don't because she's not important. I don't have a choice but to be stuck with her early in the morning inside these four walled room, because she threatened me and that's how I end up here.

We were partnered to make this project, it's just that I don't know how to do it, so she decided on doing it alone— scratch that, she made a deal with me that she will do it, but with my presence. So, she's not alone.

I spared her a glance and what supposed to be a glance becomes a long stare. Why does she looks ethereal to me today? Huh?

"Take a picture it will last longer." I should be embarrassed right now, but I felt calm— her smile, it feels serene.

Little did I know, that was the start. The first page of how i learned to love the summer.

𖧧 ───━
by @mydahlia_

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