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(Present time)
Rionne's POV

Today, I visited Riley, the kid who had a surgery a year ago. The kid who has the heart of Summer. Summer knew that even if her surgery would be successful, she'll spent her remaining days connected to a machine as her life support, so she donated her heart to Riley.

When the doctors told me about this, I couldn't accept it, because she chooses a kid over our love. All of the emotions I felt that day made me refuse to accept it, but in the end, I accepted everything. If Summer chose the other option, she would be in more pain.

Riley, gave me a camera and I promised her that I'll watch the single video clip in it once I reached my home.

So, when I stepped inside my house, I connected the camera in my laptop and clicked the only video in it.

At first, it's filming a pink wall, but seconds after, Summer sitted on the center of the camera.

"Hi, Rionne, my love!" God, I missed her voice and those smiles.

"If you're watching this, you know I'm probably an angel now." I breathed deeply to stop my tears.

"I'm sorry if I can't be beside you for long, Rionne. I have made a decision that I couldn't tell you." I furrowed my brows out of confusion and asked her what it is, then I realized that I'm talking to a video and not Summer.

"I volunteered to donate my heart to someone who deserves to live more than me." Then, there. A tear slides down my face. So, even if she didn't had that accident, she would still be leaving me.

"I don't want to leave you, because you're the only reason why I'm still fighting, but day by day I'm losing my purpose to live."

"I love you so much, Rionne and I'm sorry if I left you bearing the pain alone." I just stared into nothingness and didn't pay attention to the video playing in front of my eyes.

Again, pain possessed me. So, I run and run and run, until I reached a bridge.

I held onto the handle of the bridge and screamed. It's too painful. I feel like a thousand knives stabbed me and the air itself is drowning me.

Will I ever escape this pain?

Yesterday, I thought I'm fine, but hours later I found myself being sucked by an endless tunnel of pain and darkness.

Today, I thought of starting a fresh life convincing myself that I'm fine, yet I'm here again.

I'm here again reminiscing the blissful memories Summer left to me. I guess, I will be forever stuck in that pieces of our past.

Because I can't let Summer go, I will live in the time where things are alright.

Sometimes, we loses the tiny piece of hope we're clutching on for a long time, and when we let it go, we would be left with nothing.

They say, a brighter tomorrow will knock on my door one day, but no. I don't want that brighter tomorrow if Summer isn't there.

Wanting to be free from our misery, we sometimes opt to embrace death believing that it's the answer.

When we're blinded by too much agony, we wanted to find for a quicker solution to end everything and to do that, we chooses to dissipate into thin air.

I'm a human too, when the things I carry exceeded my limit, I think of giving up.

I wish you could heal from any misery you're going through right now, because I can't.

Rionne is now signing off.

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by @mydahlia_

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