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March 10, 2018
Rionne's POV

"Are you excited to know your final output on my subject?!" Of course, we have to say 'yes' because we don't have a choice!

"Yes!!" See, we sounded chirpy and all, but it's all fake for the sake of our grades. Deep inside, we are dying from her requirements.

"So, I want you to organize a play! The story is up to you, but i want the genre to be a tragic love story!" Nice. I would probably act as a tree or somethin' again. Look, I'm not complaining about being a tree because I don't fucking know how to act.

After the THRILLING announcement, well note the sarcasm, our instructor dismissed us to conduct a meeting and plan for our play.

"Let's make our own play. I'm volunteering to be the scriptwriter." The only thing we all did was to nod and thank her. She makes nice stories by the way and she's our class captain. "So, let's wrap up our meeting here for now. I'll let you know when will be the next meeting and probably that would be after I finished writing the script."

I bet, she'll be done writing it by tomorrow. She's full of ideas, her stories can make you feel different things and always has this unexplainable impact at the end. How did I know all of this? She's a friend of mine and she always let me read her stories to ask my opinion about it, but her works don't need any of my opinion, because they were already written beautifully.

"Rionne!" I looked on my shoulder and immediately smiled the moment I met her eyes. It's Cara, our class captain. "Can I take you on a date?" She's wriggling her brows and I just laughed at her which is the reason why I received a soft punch from her.

"Of course, you can Cara." We often do this and it's not the kind of date that you're thinking of right now. I'm telling you this in advance, it's a friendly date. DON'T SHIP ME WITH HER BECAUSE SHE'S MY FRIEND! MY PARTNER IN CRIME!

Before we can go out of our classroom, I offered my left hand for her to hold, in which she ignored by flipping her hair and walking ahead. I always do it to tease her, because she told me she had a tiny crush on me before and that was 2 years ago, i think?

"Yah! I'll leave you, if you're going to just stand there!" What? I didn't even noticed that I was standing here for long. When I catched up to her, I put my right arm around her shoulder to see her reaction, but she looked unbothered, so I let my arm stay there until we arrived at the place she wanted to go.

"I've never been in this place." I always walk when going home, yet my eyes never caught any sight of this shop. Perhaps, it's a newly-opened one.

"What? It's been here for 2 years and you didn't even know its existence?!" I shook my head and palmed her face to stop her from blabbering because she's gathering attentions from people crossing the front of the shop. She's exaggerating again and it's too embarrassing, so i pushed her inside the shop.

"I told you not to put your dirty hands on my face!" I ignored her and got in line to order our food. After I payed my order, I searched for Cara and she is now sitting at the farthest part of the shop wearing her annoyed expression.

"I wash my hands after I smoke, you know that Cara." She didn't respond, so I took the seat across her, plus I didn't smoke today because of someone.

"I'm not annoyed because of that, Rionne." This time, she is looking at me and I furrowed my brows at her, then ask her what annoyed her.

All of a sudden, she pulled her phone from her bag and started typing something I don't know. This got me confused as to I'm asking her what annoyed her then, she putted her attention to her phone?

"Read it." After waiting for her typing segment, she handed me her phone. I started reading it and this is what she typed.

I didn't saw it clearly, but you know Summer, right? The girl who is bugging the out of you to halt your smoking habit. Don't ask me how I knew this tea for now and focus on what I'm going to say next. She is currently sitting on a seat near the door. Now, spare her a glance.

I did what Cara typed on her phone. Summer looked uncomfortable with the guy sitting beside her and I don't have to read the remaining part of what Cara have typed on her phone because I already understand what is happening.

I didn't waste time and stand up from my seat. I started walking on the table where Summer is and I can hear Cara whisper-shouting my name, but I'm not the type who just watch and sit and let things like this to continue.

I stopped beside the guy and let my fist collide with his disgusting face. The shop was suddenly filled with gasps, shocked faces, and whispers after what I did. I can hear my name being shouted by Summer and Cara at the same time, but I didn't care.

I was about to punch him again, but Summer beat me into it. She pulled me out of the shop all the way to the park and I just let her, like how I let her stop me from smoking.

"Thank you." Well, I didn't expect her to thank me for what I did because of the way she dragged me out of that shop. I thought she is mad.

"You could've slapped him and leave." She shook her head and smiled, but I can sense sadness in it as it's not the same lovely smile she always show to me.

"I love him too much, Rionne." After that, she just left.

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by @mydahlia_

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