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August 25, 2018

I woke up from a pinch on my nose, that is followed by a loud gasp from the woman laying in my arms.

"You begged me to sleep with you last night after your crying session." Summer didn't begged me, but let's see if she forgot what happened last night.

"I- I didn't!" She hid her face on her palms and I chuckled at her adorableness. Then I pulled her hands away from her face because I want to see her face. This is what I've always wanted, to wake up with the most special and important person in my life beside me.

Summer attempted to cover her face again, but I stopped her by hovering on top of her and pins both of her hands above her head.

Her eyes are too focused on mine that she didn't noticed that I'm leaning to her. I made this as a chance to study her features, but I ended up craving her soft plump lips that tastes like strawberries.

Fuck, Summer is too illegal.

This time, I draw my head nearer to her side and whispers to her left ear. "What if I asked you to be mine at this moment, what would you do and say?" Then, I moved my head back above her face to look at her reaction. Her eyes are wide, her body stiffed, and I think she even forgot to breathe.

Summer blinks multiple times and after that, her eyes roamed around my face as if searching for something, then she slinged her two hands around my neck while smiling widely.

Summer then, copied what I did by coming closer and whispers to my ear. "What if I say yes, what would you do, Rionne?" When she moves back under me, I smirked then, attached our lips.

I intertwined our fingers and deepens the kiss by using my right hand to caress her left cheek. It was rough, but it's more of longing for this kind of feeling after the storm we've finally get to overcome.

We are both catching air when we pulled away from the kiss, but we stayed on our position, never wanting to be apart from each other's warmth.

My thumb is still caressing her cheek, breathless because of the kiss and her angelic face.

I was too caught up by her spell, not until I felt something wet on my hand that is placed on Summer's cheek. She's crying.

"I'm crying because I can't believe that this is finally happening. It was like yesterday when I dreamed something similar into this, then I woke up feeling sad that it's not real." Her voice cracked at the end of her sentence, so I tightly embraced her, while whispering things assuring her that I'm real and I won't ever disappear.

When Summer didn't stopped from crying, I pampered her with kisses and things that she needed to hear to comfort her. Then, there is her smile that I always anticipate to see everyday and now, I'm the cause of that smile, I promise to treasure it 'till my last breathe.

"So, is it a yes?" Summer didn't give me a specific answer earlier, that's why I asked her again to make things clear.

"How can I say no, when I have been wanting for this moment to happen." A light pink blush is present on her cheeks when she is talking, her hands are playing with the string of my hoodie and she's biting her lower lip to contain her cute giggles.

"Aish! Just say yes, Summer!" She finally let out her cute giggles and chuckles.

"Tch. You're too demanding! Okay! Okay! D-don't tickle me there!" I'm getting impatient, but of course it's a joke, I can wait especially when it comes to Summer.

"I won't stop tickling you, if you won't say yes!" Her laughs and giggles were getting louder and louder.

"Okay! Yes! I'll be your girlfriend! You want me to shout it outside?" She answered in an annoyed tone, when I stopped tickling her.

"I dare you to do it then!" I even said it in a cute voice in which she snickered that turned into a laugh. I didn't mind it though, I love to see her like this. Heck, I would even trade my life just to see her like this.

"Wait! Let's think for an endearment!" Right, I almost forgot that one. "What about love?" Of course, I would always agree with what she wants, so I said that we will call each other as 'love'.

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by @mydahlia_

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