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March 15, 2018
Rionne's POV

Another day of practicing and seeing Summer all day again. Luckily, I've been busy working hard with my acting and things got awkward with Summer, so it helped me to avoid her.

Maybe, she's catching up with my behavior lately, but I've already made my mind.

Today is our final practice anyway and after the play I won't have to see Summer again.

"I didn't regret choosing you to be Angelo." It's Cara. We are now okay, we already talked and just like what Summer said, there is really a misunderstanding that should be cleared. Cara thought, I wasn't serious with what I'm doing, but it turns out I'm just out of energy because of her yelling and pointing my mistakes.

"You should treat me after the play, then." Cara bowed in front of me like a slave who's serving her master and I on the other hand, shoo her away to focus on memorizing my lines that I kept on forgetting. It's unfair, I was the one who have most of the lines!

After the short break given by Cara, we resumed practicing the last part of the play where Prose found out that Angelo's letters were hidden by her sister. Prose read all of the letters with tears falling out from her eyes. Prose also likes Angelo, but couldn't confess her feelings because Angelo's family are wealthy and she thinks that Angelo is out of her league.

In the last letter, Angelo wrote that he wants to meet her and Prose run as fast as she can to the place written on the letter.

When Prose got there, she spotted Angelo sitting under a tree while looking up the sky.

I sighed and get up to act as Angelo and deliver my lines.

"A-angelo?" I gazed at Prose and half smiled.

"I thought you wouldn't come here because you never, even once wrote me back." This time, I looked at her dejected and she shook her head avoiding my eyes.

"I want to meet you to tell you something, Prose." She's still looking down, so I stepped closer to her and held her chin to make her look at me. Ahh, this scene is killing me! The next time we will have a play, I will be suggesting a horror genre.

She stayed silent while looking lost in my eyes.

"I'm getting married, Prose." My hand that is holding her chin slumped down. I stepped backwards and wiped my tears before it falls.

"Oh. I'm happy for you, Angelo." But, I'm not happy Prose if the girl I'm spending my whole life is not you. Prose run away after that.

"Maybe, in another lifetime, Prose." I followed what's on the script and that is walking to the dark side of the room.

When I heard clappings and clamours, I came out with a smile.

"Gosh! That was amazing guys! Especially you Rionne, do that scene as it is on our performance tomorrow, 'kay?!" I nodded at Cara and asked her if I can leave in which she answered with an ok sign.

I swinged my bag over my right shoulder and started walking with my two hands inside my pockets.

I was chilling in the garden until I heard footsteps coming closer to my direction, so I moved my head around to search for that someone.

When I realized who it is, I get up, dusting my pants and attempted to hide from a large tree, but she caught me before I could do so.

"You're avoiding me. Why?" I turned around to face her and I regret doing it. Seeing her face this close makes me breathless with my heart thumping wildly. Damn, she's driving me crazy and that's not good.

"You said I can kiss you when I want to smoke." Summer nodded. "Can I?" I asked, but didn't let her answer and crashed my lips to hers because I can't resist it anymore.

She yelp from my abruptness, but manages to respond to the kiss. Why is she responding to my kisses? Does she likes me?

Summer was the one to pull away from the kiss.

"Let's not talk to each other after the play tomorrow." I know, I will appear as the bad guy with the way I acted. But, I can't fall for someone when I'm still too broken. I need to fix myself first before giving my heart to someone again. I have to be completely healed without using someone to fix me instead.

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by @mydahlia_

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