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March 12, 2018
Rionne's POV

Finally, it's our vacant time. I heaved a long sigh before carrying my bag on my right shoulder, ready to leave.

Before i can step out of the classroom, I felt like someone is staring at me. So, I turn around to scan the room and there. Summer is looking at me with a confused face.

I mouthed a 'why' and it made her snapped out from her trance. Summer cutely shakes her head and point her index finger on the board.

I moved my head to read what's written on it. I immediately recognized the handwriting and it's from Cara. It says, we will be having a meeting in our vacant time in the morning and that would be right now. Oh shit, why I didn't saw that announcement earlier?

So, that's the reason why my classmates stayed in our room and not for being weird. I headed towards the seat of Summer and thanked her.

I also sat beside her, we don't have a proper seat anyway. We can sit anywhere we want.

We are not talking, yet the silence doesn't feel awkward at all.

Cara finally enters the room with a few files in her hands, the perks of being a class captain.

"I apologize for my late appearance, but I'm done with the script, so let's now discuss about our roles in this play." Cara said seriously which made the room tensed. It's because, most of us don't want to act and this play is huge, it'll be watched by the whole university. Who wouldn't be scared of that, right?

The room fell silent, only the sounds from the outside can be heard. I think, some of us even forgot to breath as we are all nervous as fuck.

One of my brave classmate raises her hand. "Uh, can you give us the synopsis of what you've written, Cara?" Now, all of the attention are on Cara, waiting for her to speak.

"So, there is a guy, who sends letters to the girl he has been admiring for a long time. But, in the end, the letters were never received by the girl he likes." Wow. That's what we called, pain. Cara also added that she will provide us the script later and goes back to motivating us to vote someone who will act as Prose and Angelo.

Prose is the name of the girl who is secretly liked by Angelo. Angelo on the other hand is the boy who sends the letters, but were never received by Prose.

"So, no one?" I can feel Cara is starting to be irritated because it looks like she's talking to a wall as to we all remained silent when it comes to who wants to act as the characters in the story.

"Rionne, you will act as Angelo." Did I heard that right? What the hell are you thinking, Cara? I hissed and was about to speak, but she cutted me off. "Don't even try to complain or else, I'll appoint someone you wouldn't like to act as Prose." Cara then simply looked over to Hailey, and glared at me.

I heaved a long frustrated sigh and slouched down my shoulders. I can't fucking believe I will be acting as Angelo. Ground, please swallow me now, I don't want to live anymore.

"Summer, you will be acting as Prose and that's final. I will send the copy of the script to the both of you later. If you have nothing to ask, the meeting is adjourned." Just like that, Cara left the room while Summer is still on the process of grasping the situation.

"Earth to Summer!" She blinks multiple times then looks at me.

"Oh my god! How am I supposed to act as Prose!" Her eyes are wide and I watched her put her two hands on her face while muffling some inaudible words.

I'm calm outside, but my inner self is panicking too. I just can't help, but to laugh at Summer. She sounded like a witch chanting a spell.

"We're doomed, Summer." Because we really are! Where can we find the confidence to perform in a fucking stage in front of many people? Shit.

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by @mydahlia_

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