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March 23, 2018
Rionne's POV

It's been a week since the performance of our play and it's a success. Plus, school is finally over and after the play, I never saw even a simple glimpse or shadow of Summer. I want to ask if she's okay, but I'm the one who told her to act like strangers.

The sound of my phone notifications snapped me back to reality. I stared on the screen of my phone for a second before unlocking it, showing me a lot of messages from Cara.

I opened our conversation and there, she spammed me with a total of 29 messages. She's asking, no she's forcing me rather to come in our hangout tonight. I'm not in the mood to join them, but I also need to go out of my room.

So, I headed to my closet and picked a white shirt, denim pants, and a leather jacket.

When I'm set to go, I get inside my car and drove to the location sent by Cara.

It's 6:28 p.m. when I arrived in the bar of Cara's father. This bar becomes my companion after my break-up with Hailey, that's why it brought back too many memories in my mind.

I spotted Cara sitting with some of our classmates, so I approached their table and Cara is the one who noticed me first.

"Rionne, my honey pie!" She struggles with her steps, luckily I caught her before she slumped down on the floor. She's drunk, obviously.

"Hey, Cara. I told you not to drink too much, but you never listens." I inhale a deep breath while the girl leaning on me is giggling with her eyes closed. I came here to drink, but I guess I have to be a bodyguard of this drunk woman for tonight.

"What? My daughter is already drunk?" I greeted Cara's father as a sign of respect and let him handle his drunk daughter.

It took 30 minutes to convince Cara to go home with her father. This is why I hate it when Cara is too drunk, she doesn't want me to leave her and sticks to me like a glue.

"Thank you for taking care of Cara, Rionne and I want to apologize again for her behavior when she's drunk." I shake my head and told him that it's not a problem because I treat Cara like my real little sister.

When their car disappeared in my vision, I get back inside the bar and celebrate my 'me' time. But someone has to interrupt it. Really? Can't I have a peaceful date with my drink?

"Rionne, can we talk?" Upon hearing this familiar voice, I suddenly want to run. I gripped my glass and sipped the substance before facing Hailey.

"Aren't you tired of chasing me, Hailey?" Because I'm too done with all of her shit. Why she can't just grant my wish to never ever appear in my eyes again?

"Please, Rionne! The only thing I want you to do is listen to me!" I pushed my tongue on my left cheek and stepped closer to her.

"All I did was listen to you and understand you! But, what did you do, Hailey?!" I don't care if we are earning attentions of people inside the bar. Hell, I can't even control myself anymore.

"Does the pain you gave me isn't yet enough? Am I not allowed to move on, that you keep on reminding me the pain I felt that night?!" My voice cracked at the end due to the tears I've been holding back.

I stopped for a moment to wait for her response, but she stayed silent with her head looking down.

So, I stepped backwards and dashed outside the bar.

On my way out, someone grabbed my hand and when I catched a glimpse of her face, I buried my face on her left shoulder and let out my tears, sobs, and whimpers. Because I can't act strong all the time, I also need someone to rely on when the pain is getting too much for me to bear it all alone.

"Let it all out, Rionne. I'm here." She hugged me and pats my back. Her company and scent made me feel calm and safe.

"Thanks, Summer." I'm still in her arms while her hands never stopped from gently stroking my back, as if I'm a fragile glass that could break anytime.

"It's fine, Rionne." I may not see her face, but I can tell that she's smiling softly.

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by @mydahlia_

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