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March 14, 2018

Two days have passed since we started our preparations for our play. It's against my will to act as Angelo, but Cara emphasized that she won't take any complaints coming from anyone of us. I'm literally dying from her commands and suggestions in terms of improving my emotions, lines— almost all of my flaws and mistakes in acting.

Cara is too bossy! My patience is at the peak where I could burst out in any minute. I want to let her two ears hear that I'm not a professional! It's her who decided and insisted to put me in this position and now she's treating me like this? Look, she's my friend, but she should learn to not order me to do something I didn't agreed with in the first place.

"Uh, Cara? Is it okay if we take a short break?" It's Summer who asked Cara.

I dashed outside the room because I badly needed a break from that stressful atmosphere. I don't care what will Cara would think about me lashing out of the room.

When my feet reached the narrow part of the university, I quickly lighted my cigarette.

Puffing out smokes made me feel like I'm also blowing out all of my problems in the air.

"Rionne!" Hearing a familiar voice, I held my cigarette between my index finger and middle finger. "You're smoking, again." Seeing disappointment in her eyes sent me in a state where I want to hate myself for being like this.

"Oh? Am I not allowed to?" I smirked and tilted my head to the side without cutting our eye contact.

Summer didn't move an inch in her position and maintained her straight face. But, I've never expected her next actions.

"Don't be mad at me after this." Summer stand closer to me, she's smaller than me, so I'm towering her. I knitted my brows together because I'm confused.

Then, here comes what I've never visualized to happen. Summer presses her lips on mine. Her eyes were closed, while mine are wide out of surprise.

It lasted for only thirty seconds because I pulled myself away from her. "W-why did you do that?" It's too sudden as it made me uneasy, confused, and shocked at the same time.

"Kiss me instead when you want to smoke." Did I heard her clearly? Does she even meant what she's saying?

"Don't even think of starting something with me again, Summer." I threw my cigarette on the ground and stepped on it. I look at her for the last time before passing through her.

But, I stopped and walks back towards her direction. I turned her around, so I can see her face.

Summer gasped out of surprise and i didn't let her recover from that state because i didn't waste any minute as I closed the gap between us and connected our lips. Summer didn't respond at first, but it didn't last long when our lips moved in sync together.

The kiss was slow, just like what I wanted it to be. I admit, her lips are addicting and intoxicating, it makes me don't want to stop.

For a while, we pulled away from the kiss to catch our breathes. I laid my eyes at her two brown orbs and snickered because there's a faint pink blush on her cheecks. Cute.

Summer rolled her eyes then, hides her face on my chest, probably she's flustered. We stayed like that for a while.

"By the way, your acting is good, Rionne." She looks up at me and smiled softly. "Cara is like that because she wants everything to be perfect, but you should tell her what's troubling you, so she can understand you." While Summer is talking, I felt lost in her eyes and my heart is beating rapidly. What's this feeling? Why am I feeling all of this again?

Time really flies fast. Summer's presence was enough to piss me off before. She's like an annoying bug, telling me to stop smoking. I even remembered saying that she's not relevant in my life. But, now? I think, everything is changing slowly, or not?

"We should go back." I retorted with my blank expression, then walked ahead, not waiting for her. The best thing to do for now is to supress this feelings before it gets deeper.

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by @mydahlia_

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