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March 15, 2020
Rionne's POV

Summer has somewhere to be today, so yeah, I'm alone for the whole day. But, I guess, I'm not? Because someone texted me a while ago. The sender is Summer's cousin and she wanted me to meet at **** cafe near my location.

So, i took a quick shower and picked a casual clothes. Before I exit my condo, I unplugged my phone first, then slid it in the side pocket of my pants.

I decided to walk to the cafe where I'm going to meet Summer's cousin. It's my first time to meet a relative of Summer, since Summer hates to talk about things concerning her family, because like what she said, they aren't important.

Before our first anniversary, Summer is renting a small room, but I insisted to let her stay in my condo after our anniversary. So, Summer and I have been staying together for eight months now.

Summer never mentioned anything about her family since we started dating and I respect her decision not to talk about it. That's why I've never encountered any relatives or family members of Summer. There are times that I get curious about her family, but I never bothered to ask her and just kept my curiosity to myself.

When I reached the cafe, I texted Summer's cousin to know her whereabouts. Then, someone raises their hands while looking at me, so I smiled at her as I recognizes her as Summer's cousin.

"Hi, I'm Mei, cousin of Summer." She greeted me as I'm now seated across her. So, I also introduced myself after her.

"So, I have been meaning to tell this, but everytime I have the chance to, Summer won't allow me." She looked sideways before sipping her tea and continues what she's saying.

"Summer had a twin." I widened my eyes at the information shove on my plate. The way 'had' slipped out of Mei's tongue, my palms becoms sweaty and a sudden anxiousness rushed into me.

"Her name is Angel. Do you want to know why Angel died?" I do want to know about it, but Summer came to my mind. If Summer don't like to talk about this, then I don't have the right to know anything regarding this. So, I shakes my head to let Mei know that I won't hear it.

"She would never tell you this, Rionne. Please, hear me out. Help, Summer for me!" In an instant, my head raised at her direction and saw her pleading eyes. So, I looked away before nodding.

"Summer's father has been abusing Summer since she refuses to be touched by her father's friend who has been lusting over Summer." My eyes is full of rage when I heard about it. What kind of father is that?

"Summer's father is a drug addict and smoker."
No wonder why Summer always stops me from smoking in the past. Now, it all makes sense.

"6 years ago, Angel died because of their father. Angel disguised as Summer when she heard her father and his friend that they will abduct Summer on her way home." Mei bit her lower lip and looked up to hold her tears.

"I tried to stop Angel from doing that, but she was too determined and when morning came, we found out Angel was drowned and already lifeless in the river near their house." My hands are shaking from the information I'm taking in and I don't know what I should do. How could Summer moved on with this?

She's suffering from too much pain, and I'm not aware of it.

"Her father is blaming Summer from the death of her twin sister and whenever they meet, her father never misses the chance to beat her until now." What?! So, all of the bruises I saw on the different parts of her body was from her bastard father?

My hands forms into fist, adrenaline rushing through my veins and all I can see is red. No one could hurt Summer and get away from it.

I asked Mei about the address of Summer's father, but she shaked her head and didn't tell me.

"Today is the date of Angel's death and Summer is probably on the grave of her twin sister." Then, Mei handed me a paper containing the address of the cemetery.

God damnit! I should've brought my car with me!

I drove the bus from there and waited impatiently.

When I arrived, I walked and walked 'till I spotted a figure sitting on the ground. In each steps I take, the sobs and whimpers are getting louder and louder and from there, I wish she could've share her pains with me.

"S-summer." Summer stiffed from her position as her sobs and whimpers also stopped.

"Rionne. H-how?" She stand up and turns to look at me. My eyes softened at her state and all I wanted to do right there is to pull her in a hug, but before I could do that, Summer run away.

I run after her and I've never expected the next thing to unfold in front of me.

I keep telling myself to move my legs and feet, but all I did is stand there and let my tears race down my face.

Summer was sprawled on the ground, her own blood is flowing out of her head. Her eyes are looking on mine with tears flowing out of her eyes.

The driver of the truck is currently on the phone wearing a scared and anxious emotion.

I clenched my teeth and slowly approaches to where Summer is.

No. I can't lose you, Summer.

"H-hey, love." I think, I'm numb. I refused to believe that all of this is real. That all of this is probably just a nightmare and Summer would probably wake me up from it. But, watching her catching her own breathe and hearing her weak voice slammed me that everything of it is really happening.

"Love, it's okay. Everything will be okay, you're fine." No. Everything is not fine. The truth is I'm afraid, because I feel like she's slipping away from my hands. I'm on the verge of breaking down in front of her, but I held it in.

"I'm sorry I didn't told you everything." I shaked my head and softly smiled at her. You don't have to be sorry Summer. We all have that certain chapter of our life that we wanted to be hidden from others and just keep it to ourselves, because we believe that, it wouldn't be important to share.

"I'm sleepy, Rionne." I thought I can hold back my tears, but I'm wrong. My lips trembled because I couldn't swallow the pain and fear anymore. I covered my eyes with my hands and let my tears rush down my face.

"I love you, Summer." I never thought that, that would be the last thing she would hear before she left.

What a fate, I met Summer in a hot summertime, yet I also lost her in the season where our story started.

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by @mydahlia_

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