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March 6, 2018
Rionne's POV

"School will end soon!" Yeah, since that ice cream incident happened, this minion never let me live a single peaceful day. Whenever I feel the urge to smoke, she is always around either nagging about unhealthy risks of smoking and blah blah blah- she never stop talking!

"Finally, a day without you." It's just a whisper and I don't care if she heard it. Grabbing my phone to check the time, I stand up from my seat and proceeded my way out of that suffocating classroom.

As usual, I ended up in the narrow part of the university. This is the favorite spot of my friends, but I'm always here either smoking or just having a moment with myself. So, that makes it my favorite spot too, i guess?

"Rionne." Ahh shit.

"Hmmm?" Luckily she is facing my back which means I won't be able to see her face. That's if she will stay on her spot.

Why is she even here? I made it clear to her that I don't want to see her again.

"I- I didn't know that you are here, I'm sorry." Then move those two legs and leave, just like what you did before.

"I'll take my leave then." I turn around and walk past through her keeping my head low because I don't want to see her face, her reaction- in short I don't want her whole presence!

Hazy. That's how I describe my feelings at this moment. Unconsciously walking too fast, thoughts clouding my mind too fast, tears pouring too fast. Everything was too fast and obfuscate.

"Oh my-" Fortunately i get to hold her wrists and span us around right on time before we can both fall on the ground due to the collision.

"Hey, Rionne a-are you crying?!" Why of all people, this minion has to be the one I bumped into.

"Go away if you're fine." I asked, but still looking down. Fuck, i can feel her gaze on me.

She took one step forward then cupped my cheeks with both of her small, but warm hands. She attempted to wipe my tears, but before she can do it, I sighed and held her hands to remove them.

"I'm going to smoke, don't follow me." That's what I needed the most right now. I have to unloose these unwanted feelings and thoughts. To do that, i need to smoke.

"Let's eat ice cream instead! My treat!" I pulled my hoodie over my head, hands in my pocket and pretended like i heard nothing.

I forgot, she has BDO in her blood. Bruh, I regret getting partnered to her. My ordinary and quiet day turned upside-down since then.

In a snap of a finger, we are now sitting and eating our ice cream in the same shop she dragged me last time.

How did I get here with her? I thought I escaped from her when she run away. But I was totally wrong, because she came back telling me that I have to accompany her in getting her meds which she forgot to bring with her.

Why does it have to be me? Well, she convinced one of our instructors in tagging me along because I have a car. I don't know if she's telling the truth in the part where she demanded that she has to urgently take her meds or it's just a part of her shenanigans to convince our instructor. Istg, i ain't joking when i told you she has BDO running in her veins.

𖧧 ───━
by @mydahlia_

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