Shane Pov
"Shaney wake up" someone rasp their fingers down my back smoothly in attempt to wake me up. Stunned I blinked a few times , and slowly rose up of dizzy. I clinged to the sofa so I wouldn't fall , someone held me up. Once I was up and seated nicely I began to wonder why I was there .
''Do you want water'' asked Drew Its fresh'' . I haven't notice he was there , he was probably the one that helped me up.
''Um, sure'' I mumbled grabbing the cold bottle . I gulped the water and surveyed the room . Everyone was in little groups quietly muttering something. Once in a while they would look at me and then , immediately look away . Was something on my face ? And why was everyone keeping such a distance from me ? This was all too weird .... Am I forgetting something?
"Hey Drew " I started looking for him but stopped when I realized he had disappeared. Now he was gone too... I was getting nervous and annoyed about the situation , I ran my fingers through my hair like when I do when I was nervous . I hated this more then anything because I had a constant feeling bugging me that I was forgetting something tremendously important . I tried to rank my mind for anything unusual or obvious that I should be remembering but my mind was completely blank . Anxiously I approached the nearest group of people and demanded them what was wrong with me. Only after it left my mouth I realized how dumb it sounded . The members of the group happen to be Colleen , Josh, Rachel, and their young twins Avery and Dulaney . The whole group sundenly stopped talking. I realized now that I have came they were shooting each other worried glances . "Um..well" Colleen started nervously not looking at me "how can I say it"? She looked at Josh for help. Josh just looked just as puzzle as me.
"You don't remember "? Rachel all of a sudden yelped anxiously .
It was her turn to look at me puzzled .
"The shock probably just made him forget for a while " Colleen whispered in Rachel loud enough for me to hear .
The shock ?
"Where's Lisa Mom "?
I turned my attention to the little toddlers sudden out burst. Everyone looked at her not saying anything
Wait but ....
Lisa ?
Lisa Pov
28 years ago
I remember. I was at my uncles wedding . I was 7?, 6? I was so innocent, totally shaded away from the world's ugliness. I wore a cute white dress , my mom had curled my hair for one of the first times ever . She had put 2 beautiful lilac in my hear since groom had requested it , she had even put some lip gloss on my tiny lips . I was excited because I felt like the prettiest little girl on earth . I felt so neat , once it was done I cried for hours because I couldn't bear the though of feeling like a dull boring little girl again . But the thing that realy struck me of this memory is what my mom had said to stop my temper tantrum . She had told me "Lisa , don't worry one day you will have your very own wedding , all for you , and trust me " she looked at me as deep as my petite blue eyes good go and murmured "you will be the most gorgeous girl in the world ." My 7 year old self had been delighted of that fact even though back then my wedding would be light years away . I remember my minuscule mind had processed a picture of my aunt who was getting married , and my hearth had started to beat faster , because I had imagined her looking stunning and her kissing her lover. My twisted mind had chosen the scariest , happiest and yet more beautiful my brain could remember . I remember I was needy for that love . I needed it in my life . I was way to young to understand the phenomenon I was addicted to, "love". So already at a meager age , I was attracted to the idea of marriage . The beautiful aspect of it , and the love aspect of it . My goal one day was to fulfill my first childhood dream . You see as a child I never would dare think I would cheat on my soul mate , endanger my firstborn from careless drinking , and just ruin my whole fucking life . My ideal wedding as a kid would have never ended like this . But now as a 36 year old I sadly realize that life doesn't usually go as planned. No one had ever prepared for this kind of pain. Never knew it even existed until now . I must say the pain was excruciating. Every memory of Shane made my eyes water , and as if the memory was alive it would punch my heart with no mercy , my breath would come out slow and small , and the worst part , the memory just stayed on my heart . It stayed there putting weight on my poor feeble heart , crushing it slowly . Is this what I'm going to have to deal with for the rest of my life ? The baby kicking didn't help either . His baby . It was like everything reminded me of him . The green senile lamp ? His eyes . The crummy brown bed cover ? His hair (Not that is hair is crummy or anything ) The blue murky carpet ? His favorite shirt . The wind blowing the curtains ? The seducing way he tosses my hair to the side when I'm not looking . The sun ? The teensy glint he gets in his eyes , when I catch him looking at me .
"C'mon Lisa get a grip on yourself " I commanded myself gripping the bed sheets . Enough for my fingers to turn bright red . I realized as my fingers became aching because of how hard I was latching on to it that verbal pain made me forget all the memories hence making the unbearable pain leave my heart . Was the secret to hurt myself ?
"Lisa your thinking crazy " one part of me said while an other one spoke up saying "maybe you have to do it " ....?
I grabbed the the needle that we attached to my dress andAuthor Pov
Will Lisa hurt herself ? (Let's hope not). And how will Shane react!?
Srry for the short chapter but brace yourself for the next few chapters because their going to be filled with raw shisa love , (that sounded weird oh wtv)
Thx for 1.5 k reads btw ilyyy u guys so much <3
(This took long to update because WATT PADD DELETED THE FRIKING CHAPTER 2 TIMES!!! sorry )
And I started a Shane account on twitter feel free to go check it out and maybe follow it ;)

You make loving fun (shisa fanfiction)
FanfictionEverything is just fine for Lisa and Shane . Shane just made a movie and won the chair afterall, things couldn't get any better!!! But sometimes things happen , things you wished would have never happened. And when these things do happen ,facing it...