LoVe Is EviL

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A few weeks later. Lisa's been pregnant for now close to 8 and a half - 9 months.

Shane Pov

Ever thought why love backwards sounded like evil? Because most of the time it is. It was the element in our life's that caused the most pain , the one that kept us up all night . It damaged us the most , it made us who we are. I hated myself for ever letting my guards down for her . Most of us , including me never stop to think about what would happen if love would actually turn against us. We are blinded by the alluring thoughts of the beautiful part of it . The kisses , hugs , cuddling and just the plain fuzzy feeling shot through our veins to our brain to totally confuse it. It made us drunk, all we wanted was more. Drunk in love. All drugs have their negative effects too. Once you don't have your daily dose you start feeling it harder then ever . Its true you never know how much you need something until its gone. You cant live with out it .You start trying to imagine how life was back when you didn't have it . The days seem longer , the sun shines less , everything is slow and bitter. You start noticing the smallest flaws in everything . The cracks in the wall create the impression of being bigger and nastier , you never noticed how ugly nature really was , so neglected . Alike yourself .Remember when its winter and you completely forget how it felt to be warm and happy in summer ? This is how it feels but your missing happiness not summer. I cant live without Lisa. My favorite precious drug. Her smile and laughs gives me energy , with out her I have zero strength .

Lisa Pov

I went to see the doctor a few weeks ago , to check on the bab(ies ). Yes , the doctor announced that it was indeed not one baby but twins. In particular one boy and one girl. They were in perfect health and due for about 5 weeks from now. It made me anxious because what if I couldn't bring myself to the hospital ? What would happen then? Could I count on my mom ? My dad? My friends? I have cut all contact with any human , how was I expecting them to bring me to the hospital now? I was very anxious and panic attacks were becoming a regular thing. I spend most of my days crying on my bed while eating .I'm sure none of this was good for the babies . One of the few days I wasn't sobbing about Shane I found myself watching old shisa videos which then ended up with me weeping all over again . But one particular day I decided to clean my purse in boredom ,I found one battered down piece of paper . I picked it up and inspected it . In thin black letters , I could make out a few shabby words which read

You can keep the dress remember - Maria

I turned to gaze at the dress in the corner of my room. Such a beautiful dress gone to waste . I felt so shameful and culpable . It would be better if I just brought it back to its right full owner , a dress as pretty as that one didn't deserve to be left to grow ancient in the corner of a room filled with sadness . I looked around the room as if the answer was hidden somewhere on the walls . Should I go bring it back?

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