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Lisa Pov

I rolled on my side expecting to see , my baby Corny. Insted,I was greeted by nothing but a vast empty space of asfalt. 

"Where am I " I muttered bitting my lip

The warm afternoon shined on me , as I realized I was outside .

Yawning, I try to pull for our covers , but pulled nothing but air. I shivered , why am I so cold ?

I looked down expecting to see my yellow dog onesie , unfortunately  I noticed I was completely  naked except for the  top.  Frowning , I lied back down what was happening ?

Suddenly I remembered everything that happened , I touched my ring finger and felt the familiar feeling of the ring . So I wasn't dreaming . 

"Shane" I whispered "wake up"

I turned to face him and remembered we weren't in our bed but actually on a roof .

Where was he I thought

Suddenly something ruffled my foot ,jumping a  bit I hit  for the bug or whatever it was .

Instead of hear the sickening skish of the bus , I heard Shane's familiar groan .


"What was that for " he groaned slowly getting up. His brown hair was all messed , and unlike me had no shirt on .

"I'm sorry , I thought you were a bug " I said laughing

At least I found where he was . ...

"How big was the bug " he said touching the spot where I hit him .  A small bruise was starting to form already. 

"Where's the boo-boo " I said scooting over to him , pretending to speak to a little kid .

He pointed to his bruise .

"You know  what's the best medicine for bruises like that?"

He smiled "What?"

I reached over and planted a huge goey  kiss on his forehead


"Oh god" he pretended to barf but he was still smiling with his little dimple .

I laughed

"You know what"? He said coming close to me

I shook my head "what?"

"Revenge is a bitch"

He reached a gave me the most disgusting french kiss, spitting as much as possible . Some how it was still cute as hell.

I pretended to barf , but on the inside I kinda like it.


"So let's talk about the wedding" I said

We were now safe and sound in our house , We had traveled back to our our right after our little baddle. We had walk side by side half naked towards our house . Is this what you do when your engaged?

"What do you want to know " Shane muttered he was sitting in front of the tv with pants and shirt on.

"When do you want to have it?"

"Whenever you want" he said barely paying attention to me

"Okay " , "Tomorrow"?

"Ya, ya whatever "

"Shane are you even paying attention " I cried "I just said tomorrow and you said yes"

No response

I madly grabbed for the Tv remote shutting off the Tv.

"Hey, it was gonna be the best part " he cried "what was that for!?"

"What did I just say" I said crossing my arm

Sometimes I think I'm engaged to a 8 year old .

"The wedding" He groaned

"When do u want to have it!?" I shrieked

"Whenever you-

"No give me a month" I said " or no cupcake wars"

"Fine" He said rolling his eyes "In June"

(We were in January)

"Perfect , that's all I wanted " I scoffed

"Cupcake wars?" He said

I turned on the Tv

"Fine and Fuck you" I said storming in my room

"Love you too " he cried in his Shanaynay voice

I couldn't help smiling , why does he have to be so funny!?

I have a funny feeling I'll do most of the planning for the wedding ....



I woke up realizing I fell asleep , planning the wedding


"I'm coming " I cried

Walking towards the kitchen , I checked the time .

I've been asleep for 2 hours.

Walking in the living room , I found Shane on the couch .

"My head is killing me " he cried "Realy bad"

I pressed my hand against his head , he was boilling hot.

"Did you take Tylenol  or anything" I asked

"No" He murmured "It hurts to move "

I kissed him on the cheek

"I'll go get you some "

He nodded his head

I came back with some , the little purple ones .

"Do we have to see a doctor?"

He cringed "ya I guess"

He popped them in his mouth , and sat up.

"Let's go now before it gets dark " He said

I grabbed his hand "yup"

Author Pov
Muhahahahahahahah cliffhanger what does Shane have!?
I'm sorry I didn't update I had my midterms , and I was studying like CRAZY.
It's done now (yay) I'll update more now
How was the chapter? Probz  bad....
Anyways don't forget to vote , it means  a lot

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