Balloon boy

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Lisa Pov
Everything went so fast . Me explaining to Shane I was pregnant. Him panicking . Me calming him down . Him settling down with the idea . Me helping him change into clothes....bloodless . Him reposefully calling an Uber . The Uber arriving in a jiff , and us climbing in . Him flipping out again in the car . Me calming him the fuck down again . Arriving in the hospital. Us running in demanding for a nurse . After this it passed in a blur . Them bringing me to a room and leaving Shane behind . Apparently he had to be checked out because of his injuries . Shane protested bitterly, yelling that he would not miss his children birth for a little cut . His eyes glowed with anger as the male nurses held him back from following me. A nurse by the name of Tania just wheeled me away paseed Shanes outburst like she was used to it. Just before he was out of sight I locked my eyes with his blue sapphire eyes thinking the next time I would see some alike those, would assumably be when I'll be admiring my new babies .

I gave 2 last powerful pushes , and baby whailes filled the room accompanied with the happy glee of the nurses .
"You did it!"
"Good job"!
I exhaled burned out , I was exausted both mentaly and physically .
"Here they are" screeched a nurse handing me the two minuscule babies . The moment I saw them my hearth stopped beating. A came upon me that before this I haven't even registered properly and thought about being a mom . But the moment I felt their beating hearth beating and their petite eyes fluttering open a whole bunch of delight and ecstacy washed over me . I was a mom , me Lisa Schwartz, and these delicate ravishing babies were mine . I had created them . I sundenly adored them so much , a tear rolled down my cheek , a tear of joy this time . They were both adorable and looked both amazingly like Shane especially the boy . They shared is stunning blue eyes , they shared his nose and the boy shared his left dimple which was so cute . Someone how a part of me was still glum, realizing Shane had misses the birth of his children. On cue concidently Shane stepped onto the room like he read my mind from his room . He was wearing a green hospital gown , and his cut was bandaged up. He looked at lot more healthy and over all content. The moment he saw the babies his eyes grew wide and excited . He strolled to the side of the bed like kid waking up to open his Christmas presents .
Anxiously he asked" can I hold one of them " his smile covering half of his face .
"Of course , their your children after all ." I laughed handing him the boy carefully in his shaking arms
Shane held him tightly stroking the infants teeny head in admiration .I have never seen him looking at something or someone like this not even Corny . It was the look you gave to something so rare and amazing you didn't have words to express yourself . Cautiously he leaned down so that he was a few centimeters from the child head , beaming he gave him a large kiss .
"Say Shane , we have to find them a name no?" I said interrupting his kiss.
He pulled his head up "I was actually thinking about it. Can I hold her by the way ?"
I handed him the girl trustly and took hold of the boy "What did you think of?"
"For a girl I thought of Margo , Hayley, and Rowan and for boys Quentin , Jonah and Leonardo " he explained
I rocked the boy slowly in my arms "Quentin Leonardo Yaw? Jonah Leonardo Yaw ? "
"Quentin Leonardo Yaw," he answered confidently .
I kissed Quentin "welcome to the world Quentin "
Fortunetly he was fast asleep to hear me.
"How would Hayley Rose Yaw sound " Shane asked copying me by rocking her
"Sounds prefect !
Shane snickered" I can't believe I'm naming my children after friking Titanic characters "
So balloon boy now has more then one string I thought to myself happily .

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