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Lisa Pov

Ugh I hated LA traffic more then anything in the whole world. I had been stuck in traffic  for now 1 hr  and half. Shane had gone to pick up  corny  so  atlest I had that crossed of of my mental  checklist . I had chosen the wrong day to be stuck in damn traffic. Firstly,  the radio seemed to be playing a stupid Taylor Swift marathon of songs and songs about  breakup was the last thing I wanted . Secondly , the stupid AC  was on even thought I haven't even  touched it, It was probably jammed or something . The cool air could have been useful on hot days, but it was only 5 degrees today, sighing I jammed my finger on the AC button, to try once more to shut it off. My attempt failed , sadly , instead I focused on getting home as soon as possible. Maybe If I change my mind-set , I could stop thinking about how  cold I was . My phone will probably change my thoughts , digging in my bag for    my phone , I noticed 3 unread text, my phone must have been on silent . Clicking on them they were all from Shane .

Shane:when are you going to be home? 30 mins ago

Never If this traffic continues .

Shane : hurry up I'm  fkn hungry 20 mins ago

"He only wants you for your food" the familiar voice popped up in my head .

Angrily , I look up and see no one.

"Fuck, Lisa  now your hearing voices , can you get any more crazier! ?" I cried to myself

Just as I look up to see no one ,I see a huge truck coming my way

"This is the end " the voice cries in my head .
"You can't do any this about it , you deserve to die no one cares about you" she cries once again
Taking a deep breath , I swerve the car passinv the bright read truck, but almost hitting a Toyota.

I'm back on track , wipping the sweat  from my brows,  I force my hands to keep driving .  I pick up my phone once again , this time parking my car on the side of the road  , next to a huge target.

Shane: I miss u ❤ come home fast!

I couldn't help braking into a huge smile , the stupid damn voice in my head was wrong .

Shane realy does love me!

"Fuck u ..... Tiny " I cried inventing her a name .

The AC shuts off, and I'm finally not cold anymore , the warmth start starts spreading through out my body. Everything seems fine, I'm close to home, not cold anymore but then the voice pipes up again

"That's what you think"

Shane Pov

Where the hell is Lisa!? She's not answering her text nor her calls.  Trying once again to call her , I hear her voice mail. Finally I hear the familiar jingle of keys, and Lisa comes in looking exausted.

I run towards the door , happy to see my Lisbug.

"Someone had a bad day at work "? I ask gently kissing her on the forehead

She laugh "you can say that"

"I was so worried something had happened to you  , you weren't answering your phone or you text " I pointed out

  "I'm sorry, Shane it was on silent " she explained

Lifting her head up she looks at me suspicionly

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