25. A Party Like No Other

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Monsoon season has just ended, which means the Wintersweet Blossoming Ceremony is right around the corner. The party is in full swing. Dancers in silky robes twirl on the dance floor, servants are serving food and drink, and laughing high ranking nobles spill out from every wing of Cloud Recesses. Wangji, dressed in his best robes, goes around making rounds with the guests, making light chatter, playing the part of both Chief Cultivator and host of this year's Wintersweet Blossoming.

He glides across the room, greeting the nobles and ladies. As per custom, his receiving guests shout to him "Hanguang Jun!", "Lovely party!" and "Let us watch the wintersweet blossoms bloom with you!"

Wangji's facial muscles feel tired almost immediately.

"Don't drop that smile," warns Xichen on his left. He sounds surprised, and disapproving. "Remember: the Heavens are watching."

Wangji nods woodenly. He curtly disperses from his brother's side, wading to a quieter part of the hall.

"Hanguang Jun!" A familiar voice echoes. Wangji turns his head. Gu Liban rushes up to him and dips into a hurried bow.

"Clan Leader Gu," murmurs Wangji, dropping into a low, graceful bow.

"I'm—oh, Your Excellency—it's marvellous to see you again," says Liban. "I'm looking for my daughter. Have you seen her? Speaking of which, how has she fared, staying at Cloud Recesses all this time? How I've missed her. Tell me, dear son—ahh... hehe. Not son son, but... well... forgive me, Your Excellency! Has lovely Meiyou been a decent guest to you?"

"She is fine."

"Oh, I'm so glad. The wedding is moons away. It would be a great shame if she disgraced you in any way, in the time between. Your Excellency, I can't begin to describe how grateful I am that my little Meiyou is marrying someone so wise, respected and caring... as..."

Liban's words blur into the background. Wangji finds himself admiring the silky embroidery of a nearby tablecloth, the fine carving of a wooden pillar, the laughter of a young lad. Even the floor appears interesting—

A flash of yellow in the corner of his eye grabs the Chief Cultivator's attention. Wangji stirs. He sneaks a glance around the Gu Clan leader, searching for the gold tinge.

There it is again!

Wangji can just make out the image of a little, yellow paper man scurrying across the floor, dragging a jar of Emperor's Smile behind it. Wei Ying.

The ghost of a smile flutters on Wangji's lips.

"Apologies, Gu Clan Leader. If you would excuse me," and without waiting for an answer, Wangji sidesteps a gushing Gu Liban, his eyes never straying from the path of the paper man.

Wangji follows the agile gold figure out the gates of the party, tracking it to one of the wooden gazebos just outside. The sky is a warm, nostalgic blue. Wei Ying is reclined back in the gazebo, legs crossed, eyes shut. As if he can sense the cultivator's presence, his eyes open suddenly and transfix on Wangji.

"Oh, Lan Zhan! Hey. What's up?" His legs unfold and fall onto the floor. "What are you doing out? The Wintersweet Blossoming Ceremony's about to start. You should be in there, you know, to officiate and all."

"And you should be inside with everyone else."

"Ohh." Wei Ying bursts out laughing. The sound resonates euphorically in the night. "You see, that's actually very funny because I said the same thing to Xichen, and he told me to stay out here since it's, you know, impractical for someone like me to enjoy the festivities with someone like you."

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