36. Echoes of a Fractured Soul

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Only half a blue sky

I'm kinda there but not quite

I'm walking round with just one shoe

I'm half a heart without you

Wen Qing pads through the streets of Gusu, her shoes as light as raindrops. Someone shoulders her in his passing, and she turns to pull her red veil farther over her face, securing the curtain between her scar and the outside world.

The sun has long since disappeared beneath the surrounding mountaintops, its golden tendrils crept out of sight. The once empty pathways now teem with drunken merrymakers, colourful vendor stalls, and laughing women, all revelling in the union between the Gusu Lan Clan and the Yujing Gu Clan (which has just been announced to take place tomorrow afternoon).

Wen Qing turns a corner and enters another street. This alleyway is more secluded and consists of only a few food stalls, a blacksmith's workshop, and a tea house. She has taken this shortcut home through Gusu from the night market without disturbance everyday. So she is surprised when the tea house's front doors slam open, and out staggers a drunken Ah Xian.

His eyes droop sleepily and his hand clutches a jar of unfinished wine. Two beautiful women with cheeks tinted pink and bodices laced too tightly flank him.

He raises his head, as if sensing Ah Qing's befuddled stare. After a moment of contemplation, he brightens conclusively.

"Aha, Ah Qinggggg! Y-y-you're aliveeee? Hey, I thought I recognised that red veil!"

"Of course I am. We have been living together for four moons."

"Like blood. Or a rose. But more like—actually, pepper! Red peppers! Eh, dolls? What do you think, you think Ah Qing looks like red peppers?"

The girls are too lost in their own minds to respond.

Without realising, Wen Qing has folded her arms firmly across her chest. She arches a brow questioningly, "And what are you doing so late out?"

"Just t-t-taking the time toooo catch up with these beauuuuutiful girlssss." His arms tighten around the promiscuous women. They giggle and double over, the soft curves of their breasts popping from their boosted-up cleavages. "Heyyy, lemme i-i-i-introduce you to Chengli aaaaaand Mushu!"

"Misha," the woman on his right corrects.

"That'swhatIsaid!" Ah Xian lurches towards her and adds, "By the way, have I told you how p-p-prettyyyy you look tonight?"

"I thought you said I looked pretty!" sobs Chengli.

"Shut up, you tramp!" shouts Misha.

"Ladiessss, calm yourselves! Both of you are pretttty!" Ah Xian belches a laugh and rocks on the balls of his feet, dropping the wine jar with an auspicious shatter.

Wen Qing watches him stumble about the alleyway for quite some time, mostly amazed. The hobbling trio—linked at the arms and tripping all over each other's skirts—hardly make it two feet before falling on their backs, laughing.

"Hey, Ah Qing! Come and join us, darling!"

Wen Qing scoffs. Smiling faintly through her red veil, she shakes her head.

"Alright, that's enough now..." she reaches forward and grabs Ah Xian's arms. "How about you join me and we go home?" And without waiting for an answer, pulls him away from the women.

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