26. Ours

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The stakes are high

The water's rough

But this love is ours

"Xichen is not going to be happy about this."

"Oh, lighten up Lan Zhan! This isn't the first time you've snuck out."

Ah Xian skips through the marketplace with Lan Zhan reluctantly trailing behind him. The streets are busy; lanterns are hanging above the cultivators' heads and street vendors fill the streets.

"We left the Ceremony in chaos. Who knows what trouble those juniors will cause?"

"Trouble schmouble! I'm sure everything will be fine. Besides, there's no turning back now. So!" Ah Xian looks back at Lan Zhan. "What do you want to do?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you could've just stayed back at Cloud Recesses and let me leave on my own. But you followed, so that means you did want to leave. What do you want to do right now?"

For a long moment, Lan Zhan merely stares at Ah Xian, expressionless and solemn. Then he mumbles, voice mixed with reluctancy and sheepishness, "...I've always wanted to go to the opera house."


From their front row stools in the audience, Ah Xian can feel tears welling up into his eyes as Concubine Ling lays dying in her lover's arms... takes her last breath... and becomes perfectly still. Then the curtains draw to a close. Rows of actors emerge from the back for a curtain call.

Ah Xian leaps from his seat, applauding and yowling at the top of his lungs. "Bravo! Bravo! An absolute work of art!" On his right, Lan Zhan has remained seated, merely clapping politely. He shoots an annoyed stare at Ah Xian at his boisterous reaction. But after a long moment, the harshness melts away. He almost smiles.

As they exit the theatre, Ah Xian turns to Lan Zhan, eyes sparkling, "So? Did you enjoy the performance? It was so good, wasn't it?"

"It was above average," he drones, keeping his eyes straight ahead.

"'Above average?' That's all you have to say about it?!" Ah Xian circles around to his front and does a double take. "Wait a minute... Lan Zhan, are you crying?"

"No." Lan Zhan swipes hastily at the lone tear that has escaped his eye.

"Hey hey! It's alright! I cry all the time, you know. Here, let me get that for you." Ah Xian reaches up and delicately wipes the tear from his face.

Lan Zhan stiffens. He stares at Ah Xian through his peripheral vision. At last, he says, "Thank you."

"Of course," says Ah Xian, clapping his friend on the back. He takes off ahead—under the dome of fluorescent lantern light—unaware of the small smile across Lan Zhan's lips.


"It's sugar."

"And it's delicious!" Ah Xian grabs two sticks of dried caramel from the candy vendor, pays the seller the sum, and hands one stick to Lan Zhan. "Try it!"

The Chief Cultivator eyes the caramel suspiciously. He frowns, "But... it's a violation of Rule 104–Gluttony is forbidden."

"Oh, my dear Lan Zhan, you really don't know how to have fun, do you? I pity your innards. Have they never known joy?" cries Ah Xian dramatically, expression screwed coyly. When Lan Zhan only scowls at him, the old Yiling Patriarch cracks an amused grin. He begins gnawing on his own caramel stick. "It's just one caramel stick. One candy. One small piece. Now come on, eat up before it melts and makes your hand all sticky. You'll be even crankier than usual."

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