42. Love & Loss

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Ten minutes ago, Ah Xian was running to stop a cursed wedding. Five minutes ago, he discovered a secret that may very well change the course of his life. One minute later, he is with Lan Zhan, hands intertwined, fingers caressing soft skin... unaware of the raging inferno of fury and vengeance sneaking a hand over her golden coronet, white-knuckled fist curling around a glimmering razor of gold. And hiding beneath the folds of her blood-red dress—

"Watch out!" cries Ah Yuan.

Ah Xian stares at him for a quiet second—a tranquil moment—a seed of time lost to the world—then turns around just as she springs at his throat, the sharp wing of a golden phoenix poised above her head. He doesn't run. He doesn't yell. Instead, he freezes, rooted to the spot, unable to look away as the vicious crescent of the devil's curse streaks closer and closer.

Lan Zhan whips his head towards the out-of-control bride. His eyes widen in alarm. He desperately steps in front of a stunned Ah Xian, holding up Bichen.

He is not fast enough—


A blur of green appears in Ah Xian's peripheral vision. It whizzes between them, and an old, worn hand shoots out, grabbing her wrist.

Meiyou's eyes widen in rage, "Release me!"

"Meiyou, that is enough!" roars Liban. "Stop this nonsense at once!"

The bride hisses. She surges forward, slashing at the Gu Clan Leader. Liban sidesteps her attack and throws his hands in front of him, emerald green sleeves flying. The jade whale bracelets encircling his wrists unravel and sail through the air, wrapping around Meiyou.

"Let me go!" screeches Meiyou. She lunges at Ah Xian again, the forming green energy around her hand seizing and convulsing. Liban simply balls up his fist, and her restraints tighten. Her arms are pinned behind her back. Her spell dissolves.

"No... n-no... this can't—it's not... NO!" She shrieks and thrashes, collapsing onto all fours like a thick-maned animal. Her beautiful wedding gown is in tatters, her elaborate headdress knocked askew, makeup-smudged face bloating in hideous shades of purple. She looks nothing like the noblewoman everyone once admired. At Liban's command, Gu Clan disciples haul the snarling, rabid thing next to a stone-faced Xichen, who leans as far away from her frothing mouth as he can.

Lan Zhan turns to face Ah Xian in a flash, "Are you hurt?"

He takes his arms, searching him for any injuries.

"Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan. I'm fine," insists Ah Xian. He quirks a boyish smile, eyes glimmering. "Look at me... I'm in one piece, aren't I?"

Lan Zhan holds him at arms length, expression unreadable. Then he throws his arms around Ah Xian, burying his face in the crook of his neck.

"She could have hurt you."

"Wei Wuxian!"

They pull away in time to see Liban march up to them, his face stoic and stricken.

Ah Xian clears his throat, "Clan Leader Gu—"

Gu Liban reaches the pair, and Ah Xian is astonished to find him looking not furious or disgusted... but ashamed.

"Wei Wuxian—er, Master Wei. I... I owe you an apology, for I have misjudged you... I was wrong," confesses the Gu Clan Leader meekly. Ah Xian gawks, still refusing to believe his eyes. To his greater surprise, Liban sinks to his knees and bows deeply.

The Gu disciples gasp, unaccustomed to seeing their leader in such a submissive state. One by one, each disciple kneels on the ground and follows suite.

Lan Zhan glances over at the Yiling Patriarch, and Ah Xian suddenly remembers where he is and what's happening.

He nods in gratitude. "Thank you."

Liban rises to his feet. He glances wistfully at his daughter, still sobbing and struggling, and says, "Had I known my Meiyou participated in such vile affairs behind my back, I would have long ceased the marriage... Instead, I was blinded by my love, and wrongly condemned you because of it. I was a fool. I shall take my leave, for I do not wish to burden you further."

Liban and the Gu Clan disciples bow once more and begin filing out of the pavilion in streams of emerald.

"Gu Clan Leader. Your daughter..." Lan Zhan starts to say as the Gu Clan Leader makes his way to the marble archway.

Liban pauses under the archway, his gaze flitting to Ah Xian, Lan Zhan... and finally Meiyou. He swiftly lowers it to the floor. There are tears glistening in his eyes.

"Meiyou committed multiple crimes against you. But to penalise her, well... I fear my judgement would be swayed. I bestow upon you the rights to decide the most suitable punishment for my daughter."

Then, Liban turns and strides out the Great Hall, without another look over his shoulder. The rest of the Gu Clan follow, a dozen booted feet thundering scores the grounds. Soon, the hall is completely deserted, but for Ah Xian, Lan Zhan, and two convicts.

Simultaneously, the couple lays eyes on a sour Meiyou.

"So..." drawls Ah Xian. He blinks expectantly, amusedly at Lan Zhan. "What're you gonna do about this one?"

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