27. Checkmate

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It is late in the morning, just after the sun has risen. Wangji is asleep in his large king-sized bed. He opens his eyes groggily and sits up, rubbing the sleep from them.

He hears a clatter outside his room.

On edge, Wangji slowly slips out from under the blanket, grabs Bichen from his bedside, and yanks open the doors-

"Good morning, Lan Zhan! Oh wait! It's actually noon. I should be saying 'good noon' instead."

Wei Ying chortles at his own joke as Wangji heaves an exasperated but relieved sigh. He sheathes Bichen. "Wei Ying! You scared me. You're lucky I was fast enough to stay my blade or you would be dead now."

"Oh, lighten up! I meant no harm. Actually, if I recall, I came in last night and never returned to my dorm... hmm, I wonder if people speculate we..." Wei Ying's eyebrows jump suggestively.

"Wei Ying!" Wangji snaps, cheeks reddening.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Dear Lan Zhan. Swipe that frown off, quickly! Before wrinkles form on that beautiful face of yours. Come on, I made breakfast."

Stretching slowly, Wangji turns and follows Wei Ying to the table, so that they are sitting cross-legged across from one another. Two bowls containing a stringy black substance sit in front of each of them.

"And... what is this?"

"Uhh, black sesame soup. I worked on perfecting the recipe all morning!" Wei Ying gestures to Wangji's bowl. "Try it!"

Wangji looks down at the pot of gruel uncertainly while Wei Ying watches him expectantly. Swallowing his disgust, Wangji draws a spoonful to his lips, takes a slurp-

And immediately starts coughing it back up.

"Lan Zhan! Are you ok?"

It takes a moment for Wangji to compose himself. "...y-yes, I'm fine..." he gingerly wipes his chin. "It's just so... so tasty."

Wei Ying gazes at Wangji for a few seconds. And then he grins. "Lan Zhan. You didn't think you could fool me so easily, did you? You may be a good kisser, but you're an abominable liar. Good lord."

"Wei Ying!" Wangji's face is flushed bright red. "Enough!"

"Okay okay, I'll stop now." Wei Ying reclines back against his seat, folding a hand behind his head. "Sooooo... last night..."

"Yes. Last night, we..."

They two cultivators fall into silence, unsure of whether or not to talk about their confession.

Wei Ying clears his throat, looking down, up, anywhere but Wangji's eyes. "Did... did you really mean what you said? About cancelling the marriage and everything?"

"Every word," responds Wangji. He tentatively reaches forward and takes Wei Ying's free hand in his. "You... know I wouldn't lie to you."

"... And yet you just told me my cooking was 'tasty.'"

"That-that was different! I lied to encourage you. After all, one can only improve their weaknesses."

"Lan Zhan, you know as well as the next person that I'll never be some culinary chef. But thanks anyway," Wei Ying chuckles. He interlocks their fingers and gives the Chief Cultivator's hand a squeeze. "So remind me why you can't remain here and hang out with me all day?"

"I have an important meal to attend with the Gu Clan Leader," Wangji stands up, albeit reluctantly, and starts shrugging out of his bedroom drapes to change into his day attire: sky blue silk.

"Boooo! Is there really no way for you to avoid it?"

"It's a gathering I can't afford to miss today." Wangji finally adjusts his forehead ribbon and turns to Wei Ying. "Until I return, stay here."

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