⊚ bonus/unused moments ⊚

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"Jingyi, if you dared break any more important rules in front of an authority figure, do you realise what punishment you'd be facing?" Sizhui murmurs irritably. "At least 400 beatings by cane."

Jingyi scoffs, "Forgive me, but look who's talking. You're the one who suggested we venture out at night—Rule 671–give up on learning—Rule 208–and be easy on ourselves—Rule 2305. Those are some of the most important rules, by the way. I'm half-wondering if we should get you to a healer soon, with all these rules you're breaking. You're turning into a real rebel, aren't ya?"

Sizhui stares at him, "Not on purpose. I just want to save Hanguang Jun!"

"That's what they all say."

Sizhui frowns deeply and says nothing. After a long moment he comments, "You're a horrible influence. Why am I friends with you, again?"

"Because I saved you from having a boring life," Jingyi grins at him. "And you saved me from getting caned two or three times when we were little."

"Yeah... I don't know why I did that."


"Guys, we don't have time for this," Sizhui throws them both a look—although it seems to be more focused on Jingyi. (Which he finds unfair.)


"I can't wait to go to my bed."

"Shut up, idiot— you're the one who rode the donkey all this time," Jin Ling fumes.

"And don't let me remind you of all the rules we've broken since we left..." Ah Yuan mumbles, trailing off as his own words hit him. He sighs glumly. "We'll be facing at least a hundred beatings by cane, possibly a dozen starved nights."

Jingyi sighs louder, "I can't believe I let you talk me into this."

"I know."

Ah Xian doesn't know whether to thank the boys or reprimand them. In the end, he does neither, "Well, alright, alright— let me say that you all deserve a medal for bravery. Bravery, creativity, morality. Really, these are the most basic pillars of the Lan Clan Wall of Discipline, aren't they?"

Ah Yuan frowns, "I mean... technically."

"Yeah! Exactly! And you upheld them," Ah Xian claps his hands on Ah Yuan and Jingyi's shoulder, casting them each a lopsided grin filled with warmth. "Throw out all the nitpicked, itty-bitty little details of your rules, and basically what you two have done today is stick to the Lan Clan core values. If anything, they should be throwing parties in your favour. Sending gifts. Writing songs!"

Jingyi cocks his head, brows furrowed thoughtfully, "I guess that's one way of looking at it."

"Well, that's one way of looking at it, sure—" Jin Ling drawls "— but is that the way the Lan Clan Leader will look at it? That's what I'm wondering."


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