22. What to Do?

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Ah Yuan hasn't forgotten what Brother Wei told him that day.

"He looked at me like that... really, he looked at me like that. And that was the first time I realised how I felt....

that was the first time I realised...
that I was in love with him."

Ah Yuan hasn't stopped dwelling on this—hasn't stopped going over its meaning in his head, again and again, like the turnings of a clock. And now... it's been one week. And all he can think is that he wants them to be happy.

Both of them.

Brother Wei and Hanguang Jun, both.

The question is, does Hanguang Jun feel the same way? And even then, marriage is out of the question. Even the mere idea of the infamous Yiling Patriarch and the reknown Hanguang Jun being together in public would sound sour to anyone... more importantly, the Gusu Lan Clan ancestors of old—

Rule 2892. Marry an appropriate other of a similar caste.

Ah Yuan cannot forget this rule. He is sure, with utter dismay, that Hanguang Jun can't either.

So what will they do?


When Wei Ying finally stops laughing, the sound still lingers in the air, like a sweet aroma that refuses to leave the room. Wangji doesn't realise he is staring until Wei Ying sighs suddenly, averting his gaze away.

"Well, uhh..." Wei Ying clears his throat. "I, um, I just came in to tell you guys that I'm heading out for a while. I thought at least Lan Zhan should know."

"Out?" Ah Yuan says, curious. "Brother Wei. Where are you going?"

"To see my brother, of course," Wei Ying replies. He smirks. "What—did you think you could hold me prisoner here? I have a life too, you know!"

"No—that's not it! That's not what I meant."

Wei Ying chuckles, "I'm just teasing. I know," he sighs. "In all honestly, Ah Cheng should be quite irritated that I've come to see him so late. It's been a week since I came back. Have you tried exchanging more than five letters with him in this situation? I think the next one he sends will come with the messenger's severed head."

"Wei Ying," Wangji says. Without realising, his expression has hardened into a disapproving frown. "Don't speak so carelessly."

Wei Ying waves the words away, light and indifferent.

"Alright, alright. Anyway—that's all I came to say. I'm heading out, I should only be a few hours, in case any of you missed me, which, I wouldn't mind you if you did. Honestly, you can come clean."

Ah Yuan laughs.

Wei Ying grins. It reaches his eyes like the sparkle of Wangji's most familiar constellation. Wei Ying wrings his arms around suddenly, theatrically, into a powerful bow.

"Farewell. Lan Clan junior cultivator, Lan Sizhui."

Wangji realises that Ah Yuan is indulging in Wei Ying's silky behaviour, bowing wordlessly in return. Must they be so unconventional?

When the two of them rise to their full height again, Wei Ying turns to Wangji. His eyes vanish as he drops into another dramatic, somewhat-clumsy bow.

"Farewell," he says. "Your Excellency, Chief Cultivator Hanguang Jun, Gusu Lan Clan Leader."

Ah Yuan laughs. Wei Ying rises.

Wangji gazes at Wei Ying for a long moment, in which he notices Ah Yuan's eyes are subtly wishing that he would play along. Wangji then clasps his hands together, arms wide. He dips into a bow. A part of him can't believe he's doing this.

"Safe travels," he mutters.

When he rises from the bow, he realises Ah Yuan is grinning at him, and Wei Ying—Wei Ying is smiling. Like an annoying, mischievous child.

Wangji frowns.

"Why are you smiling?"

"What? What!" Wei Ying gasps a laugh. He starts to back out of the room, still facing them. "I'm not. I don't know what you're talking about."

Wangji just glares at Wei Ying.

"Don't stay out too long," Wangji says. "Be back before sunset."

"Okay, okay, I know, I know, I know," Wei Ying rolls his eyes, waving the idea carelessly away. But then he winks. "Just don't miss me too much!"

You have no idea, Wangji almost says out loud.

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