1. A Marriage Proposal

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The party is louder than usual today, Wangji realises, as he ascends the stairs to the main hall of Cloud Recesses.

"His Excellency, Chief Cultivator Hanguang Jun!" A servant's voice bellows, a ringing announcement, and immediately there's a hush across the crowd that has gathered in the main hall. Noblemen and their wives, dressed in fine clothing, drink wine and laugh loudly between idle chatter. "Chief Cultivator! His Excellency, Hanguang Jun!"

The crowd parts. Women's pink-coloured robes sweep the carpeted floor. People lilt away, turning to face the wide-open doors as Wangji steps into the room.

"Hanguang Jun!"

"Hanguang Jun, your Excellency. Sincere thanks, my lord..."

"Your Excellency, thank you! Lovely party..."

Couples wear coy smiles, slink into graceful bows, their voices pinched with saccharine sweetness in every comment they make. Wangji doesn't remember half of the faces of the noblemen gathered before him, much less the names. Despite this fact, they all bow deeply, expressing their exaggerated appreciation. They're then quick to turn the conversation towards chatter about the Emperor's Smile, and the rich tastes of the food that Wangji doesn't know anything about.

Emperor's Smile?

Wei Ying grins at him, his eyes sparkling, "Ahh, Lan Zhan—I seriously think you should try some of this. You're from Gusu, aren't you? How come you've never tried the famous Emperor's Smile? It's the only thing you people are good for, if you ask me."

"Shut up."

Wangji turns to each nobleman, expressionless. He bows to them, "Make yourselves at home."

He's not an idiot—he is aware of their flapping mouths that open in hopes of entering new conversations with him, attempting to involve him in other matters, whether it be redundant small talk or political propositions. Why does Wangji need to give into such notions? He has better things to do with his time.

"Hey, Hanguang Jun..."

"Your Excel—oh..."

Of course, the men can't do anything once he's turned about 90 degrees away. His purpose has been made clear. He glides between the parted crowds, bowing when bowed to, and nodding to every lady. He finally makes to stand next to his brother. (Retired Lan Clan Leader and currently the Lan Clan Advisor.)

"Xichen," Wangji bows to his brother.

"Wangji," Zewu Jun returns the gesture, then relaxes into a faintly amused smile, his hands behind his back. "How are you finding the party? I'm surprised. You actually put some effort into this one, didn't you? It must be the festive vibes."

Wangji scoffs quietly, the corner of his lip twitching.

"I wouldn't say so. The truth is, it might be harder to throw a party that someone here considers bad. Forgive me—but the facts are they drink excessively of their own accord."

Xichen laughs, "Fair point."

"Hanguang Jun!" A voice tears Wangji out of his conversation. He turns to the respectable tone and falls into an automatic bow, dipping his head gently and slowly. He sees the man before him excitedly return the gesture. It's a middle-aged man—has Wangji seen him before? "Chief Cultivator Hanguang Jun. It's an honour to meet you. It's an honour to be here, at a party especially hosted by his Excellency—Your Excellency."

Wangji bows again, "Make yourself at home."

He turns to face his brother again, but the man's voice erupts suddenly again, stopping him.

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