8. A Quest to Behold

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Jingyi sets his cup of tea down with a slam. He stares at Sizhui, wide-eyed, blinking. Master Wei? As in—the Yiling Patriarch who saved him and his friends during the crisis of Jin Guangyao?

That Master Wei?

"Are we talking about the same Master Wei?" Jingyi demands, his eyebrows raised skeptically. "Are we talking about the Master Wei who saved us from the Burial Mounds? That guy?"

Sizhui glares at him, "Yes, that guy. And don't call him 'that guy'. Rule 367, Do not disrespect your elders."

"Oh, I keep breaking that one anyway."


Jingyi reaches for his tea again and takes a long sip. He's still processing what his friend told him, "Okay, wait, wait, wait—just to be clear—can I confirm that I understood this right? Hanguang Jun has sent out search parties to find Master Wei, but he hasn't explained why to anybody. And he's sent out a lot of parties, like all over the world."

"Like eight of them," Sizhui reminds, wide-eyed.

"Are they big?"

"In number, I assume so! They're led by Captain Liu, Captain Chen and Captain Ming. They're some of the most-skilled captains in our clan, and you've seen the numbers they lead."

"You're right," Jingyi mutters. His frown deepens. "So, why do you think they're looking for Master Wei? Hanguang Jun probably just needs an old friend right now, right? I mean, he is in critical condition."

"Jingyi, you shouldn't say that."

"Hey—I was only stating facts."

Sizhui sighs. "I don't know if that's the only reason they're looking for Brother Wei, though. Yes, it's probably true that Hanguang Jun wants to see a good friend... but what if it's more than that?"

"What do you mean?"

"Look. We all know everyone is looking for a cure for Hanguang Jun's unexplained illness, right? We've tried everything. All the songs, all the herbs; everyone is starting to get really worried."

Jingyi snorts, "I think we're long past that stage."



Sizhui glowers at him, "The point is, we haven't found a cure yet. Now, do you remember when Zewu Jun came back from his journey two days ago, bearing an old woman in green drabs?"


"I think..." and Sizhui lowers his voice again, all dramatic and cautious. Irritably, Jingyi leans into his friend's antics. "...I think that woman told them that they need crafty tricks."

This rekindles Jingyi's interest. He blinks at his friend, incredulous.


"I mean, that's the only thing I can think of," Sizhui shrugs, throwing back a look like don't you think so? "Doesn't it make sense? That's why Zewu Jun and Hanguang Jun are all in such a hurry to find Brother Wei, all of a sudden. Because Brother Wei is the only one that can save Hanguang Jun—with his crafty tricks!"

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