33. Buckle, Bend, Break

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The sun hangs in the late afternoon sky, bathing the city of Yujing in a harsh yellow light. By this time the marketplace is teeming with street vendors with their overfilling stalls, and people of all classes in their excitable flurries. Wei Ying takes over one of the local rickshaws, as per part of his community service, grips its handles, and begins to heave.

Wangji flies to help. "Let me."

Wei Ying blinks at his friend's sudden arrival. He furrows his brow, waving his hands in loud motions, "No, no! I got this, Lan Zhan, don't worry."

Wei Ying lifts up the rickshaw until it's fully propped up.

"Ooh! You're so strong!" A young noblewoman sitting in the rickshaw gushes.

"Anything to help a beautiful lady like yourself," replies Wei Ying, grinning coyly at her. "Where to, miss?"

"The Lake of Effervescent Light."

"As you wish."

Wei Ying starts to pull the rickshaw in the direction of the passenger's destination. Wangji silently tails them, a platoon of Gu Clan guards accompanying them to both protect the Chief Cultivator and enforce the criminal's tasks. Wangji finds himself looking over his shoulder every five minutes at Wei Ying, who is too busy flirting and laughing with the woman to notice him.

"Wangji, let's not bother them," suggests Gu Meiyou coolly from Wangji's side. When did she get there? "It appears that Master Wei is meeting his punishment requirements just fine."

Wangji says nothing. He gazes after the two: Wei Ying hauling the rickshaw smoothly down the street, bantering and laughing away with the strange woman.

Gu Meiyou continues, "Besides, there are many attractions to behold in Yujing. Come!" She threads her arm around his, finally able to guide the cultivator in an opposite direction.

"Lanterns for sale! Lanterns for sale!" A street vendor calls out.

"Wangji, why don't we have a look?" Meiyou brings him to the stall. She picks up a whale-shaped lantern from the stall and holds it excitedly up for her fiancé to see, beaming. Her eyes dazzle. "Isn't it beautiful?"

"Yes," he mumbles.

Meiyou continues to enthuse over the many lanterns hanging at the vendor stall, oblivious to Wangji watching Wei Ying through the stall. He has long since sent his customer to her destination and is now talking to two more beautiful women. Meiyou's words muffle, becoming background noise. Wangji strains his ears to listen in on the trio's conversation.

"I must say, I had low expectations of the Yiling Patriarch," one of the women is saying.

"Oh? And has he managed to exceed your expectations?" Wei Ying grins.

"By a landslide! You're far more handsome than the tales let on!" the second noblewoman raves.

"You're too kind, Lady Zhang." He takes her hand and kisses it. "By the way, your hand is remarkably soft. Like silk, or a rose petal."

The lady giggles.

Wangji's eyes fixate on Wei Ying. His jaw tightens. Before he knows it, he is striding over to the trio.

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