7. An Unforgiving Promise

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Ah Xian stands across from Xichen, the night cloaking their shadows. Xichen just finishes telling him about the punishment Lan Zhan had carried out—the consequences of slaughtering innocent noblemen. It explained the scars that sewed Lan Zhan's skin; his back, and the backs of his arms. They were deep grooves and still dark, even after all these years.

Ah Xian feels an inexplicable ache in his stomach as he thinks about this. He wants to lie down.

Xichen's eyes fill with emotion, "The truth is, I shouldn't be telling you this—actually, I shouldn't feel the need to tell you any of this. By right we shouldn't even be in a situation where I feel prompted to remind Wangji of Rule 2892... but he really cares about you. So I'm worried."

His words hit Ah Xian. Ah Xian blinks, swerving to stare at the Lan Clan Leader.

He feels sick already, "What's Rule 2892?"

"Marry an appropriate other of a similar caste."

Ah Xian's brows furrow. He scoffs loudly, his face straining into a smile, "What? Are you serious?" He barks a laugh. "You guys are so—so shallow? Wow. Really?... geez, I expected better from you idealistic, pessimistic people." He laughs again, doubling over.

Xichen is not laughing.

"It's rule, Master Wei. Wangji can't break it."

"Rule 131 says Arrogance is forbidden. Tell me, what exactly is not arrogant about refusing to marry into a caste lower than you?"

"Master Wei, it's not arrogance, it's preservation. And this isn't up for debate," Xichen's eyes have set in steel. He is very clear... suddenly, it is very clear exactly what boundaries Xichen is making between them. "This is Wangji's life on the line. His reputation, his identity, his life's security as we know it.... he can't risk it. Not even for love."

Ah Xian has fallen silent. He doesn't realise that tears sting his eyes until he is forced to wipe them away so that they don't glisten obviously on his face.

"I just don't want Lan Zhan to be hurt," he says.

Xichen answers, "He won't be."

Ah Xian wakes up from a dream he hasn't had in years. But it wasn't a dream—it was a memory.


"It's all Advisor Zewu Jun's orders. Captain Chen take Search Parties #1 and #2 and explore the areas between Gusu and Yunmeng. Captain Liu take Search Parties #6, #7 and #8 down the mountain to Lanling and Qinghe."

"Yes, sir."


"I'll take Search Parties #4 and #5 back behind Gusu, towards the deadened area around Qishan. There's still a chance he's vanished to the Wen Clan's forgotten corner—regarding his history, anyway."

"Sir, may I ask who we're looking for?"

"We're looking for the Yiling Patriarch, Wei Ying, Wei Wuxian."

"Wei Wuxian?"

"We're looking for the Yiling Patriarch? Why?"

"Don't question it. Zewu Jun wouldn't answer me when I asked myself... remember Rule 2091."


Lan Yuan couldn't help himself. He had simply been passing by, on his way to the Library to satisfy his questioning of certain hibiscus flowers—and then he'd heard mysterious talk behind two pillars. The words search parties and Yunmeng and Yiling Patriarch.

He couldn't help himself.

He had to stop.

Now, the conversation has long finished. Ah Yuan holds his breath, every muscle in his body still with fear and guilt; he waits for the search party captains to split ways, already heading to their horses to leave. To find Brother Wei.

Brother Wei!

Ah Yuan can't believe it. After so many years, he's finally been mentioned! Excitement and curiosity froths in his heart. He remains with his back plastered to the pillar for a long moment, his brain circulating the information he had just retained...

They are looking for Brother Wei. The Gusu Lan Clan is sending search parties everywhere to find Brother Wei! Why?

It must be Hanguang Jun.

Ah Yuan frowns. He peels himself away from the pillar he'd been hiding behind, his back stiff. He turns to stare at the floor, lost in thought... maybe Hanguang Jun just wants to see Brother Wei? Maybe Hanguang Jun needs his lifelong confidant at hand, in such a tough physical time. Holy crap. Does that mean that his condition is lethal? Like... like life-threatening?

Does Brother Wei even know about Hanguang Jun's health crisis?


Ah Yuan tears from his thoughts at the sound of his friend's voice. He whips around in time to see Lan Jingyi slow to a stop in front of him. Jingyi's expression slides into a frown as he stares at Ah Yuan.

Jingyi cocks an eyebrow, "What are you frowning about?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Clearly you're thinking about something," Jingyi steps a little closer, already ready for the juice. "Tell me what's up."

Ah Yuan sighs. Giving in, he leans closer, sparing a careful glance over his shoulder before he can fully face his friend with guilt-whelmed eyes, "It's just... I overheard something I shouldn't have."

Jingyi's eyes widen, "Like, on purpose or on accident?"

"On purpose."

"Whooaa—Sizhui!" Jingyi breaks into a snicker, his snide grin out of control. "I'm impressed. You're usually a suck-up for the Lan Clan Wall of Discipline. Rule 462 is Be trustworthy, and that's the one you're good at. Damn... I never thought this day would come."

"Jingyi, that's not the point," Ah Yuan snaps, upset. "I feel bad enough about it as it is, without you rubbing it in my face, okay? Now, I have to tell you what I heard."

"Okay, okay. Tell me."

Ah Yuan leans even closer. Jingyi mimics him, his stare straight with anticipation. But at the last second Ah Yuan hesitates; he leans away again.

"Wait—I can't do it here. It's too dangerous... let's go to the Gusu teahouse for a meal. You're off-duty now, right?"

Jingyi sneers, "Yes... you're so paranoid. Just tell me now, or I think you never will."

Ah Yuan glares at him, "Come on."

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