2. Alliances Formed in Battle

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A/N; Ben is 18 in this.




Jetray stood, his heart pounding with adrenaline. His eyes were fixed on the wickedly grinning demon known as Tambourine.

Without warning, Jetray underwent a miraculous transformation. He became Four Arms, his body bulking up, and his limbs multiplying into a fearsome quartet. The Omnitrix, usually his trusty ally in these transformations, remained untouched. Confusion washed over him, but there was no time for questions. The air crackled with tension; Tambourine was a menace, a force to be reckoned with.

"Stay focused," Ben muttered to himself as he clenched his newfound fists. The demon's eyes widened in sheer terror at the sight of the monstrous hero before him. Tambourine took a trembling step back, his once menacing grin fading into a mask of dread.

Ben couldn't help but smirk, relishing in the fear he had instilled in his foe. With a swift motion, he reeled one of his four arms back, each massive limb rippling with power. As he thrust it forward, his voice rang out with fierce determination, "Time to end this!"

The demon had no time to react. Four Arms' colossal fist rocketed forward like a thunderbolt, hurtling through the air with the force of a freight train. It collided with Tambourine's grotesque form, and the impact resonated with a bone-jarring crunch. The demon was sent hurtling backward, crashing into a pile of discarded crates and rubble.

Tambourine groaned in pain, struggling to regain his footing as he clutched his aching chest. Ben approached him with a mixture of triumph and determination, his eyes burning with the fire of a hero. He was ready for whatever evil tricks Tambourine might have up his sleeve.

Four Arms, his once-bulging muscles now slowly returning to their usual form, gazed down at the fallen demon, a deep sense of unease gnawing at him. The demon remained motionless on the cold, unforgiving ground, his ominous presence subdued.

As Four Arms cautiously approached Tambourine, a surge of doubt swept over him. Had he, in his righteous fury, gone too far? The thought hung heavy in the air as he bent closer, his eyes fixed on the demon's prone form. A flicker of hope danced within him, a desperate wish that he had only rendered Tambourine unconscious, not dealt a fatal blow.

The eerie stillness was shattered by an abrupt, shocking twist. Just as Four Arms leaned in, Tambourine sprang into action with a speed that defied belief. In an instant, his vice-like grip clamped onto Four Arms' massive leg, fingers digging into the hero's flesh with an agonizing intensity.

Four Arms could feel a surge of raw energy coursing through Tambourine's grasp, a malevolent ki charged with malevolence. It was a terrifying realization, the demon's last-ditch effort to retaliate. Time seemed to slow as the ki energy surged closer to his leg, threatening to engulf him in searing agony.

Instinct roared within Four Arms, his survival instincts kicking into high gear. With a swift, primal motion, he reacted, lashing out with his free leg. His colossal foot made contact with Tambourine's form, a resounding thud echoing through the alley. The demon was sent sprawling, his grip released, and a stunned expression etched across his face.

The searing pain in Ben's leg throbbed like a relentless beast, but it was a small price to pay for his life. As Tambourine lay unconscious beside him, Four Arms finally exhaled a ragged breath. The battle had taken its toll, but he had emerged victorious, his indomitable spirit unbroken.

"What the hell was that?!"

Amidst the quiet aftermath of the battle, Four Arms found himself attuned to the rustling whispers of the wind, a reminder of the world's ceaseless motion. His vigilant eyes scanned the horizon, their gaze drawn upwards to a strange sight. A boy and a man rode on a billowing yellow cloud, drifting towards him with an air of serene purpose. Four Arms observed them, a curious intensity in his eyes as they descended.

Unbeknownst to him, these newcomers were none other than Goku and Yajirobe, bearers of a destiny intertwined with cosmic forces. The duo gracefully leaped from their ethereal perch, landing softly on the cracked pavement. The boy, Goku, with a countenance of innocence, regarded Four Arms with curious eyes, then turned his attention to the vanquished Tambourine.

"Is he dead?" The child's voice pierced the stillness, echoing with the weight of uncertainty.

Four Arms, his imposing form a silent sentinel, studied Goku intently. His keen senses detected a peculiarity--a tail, an anomaly among humans. Something about this duo was undeniably out of the ordinary. After a contemplative pause, he finally responded, "I just knocked him out."

Goku nodded solemnly and approached the prone demon, his intentions veiled in a shroud of vengeance. Four Arms observed with growing concern. "What are you doing?" he inquired, his voice edged with caution.

"He killed my best friend," Goku explained with a resolute gaze, "He deserved this."

"Kid, wait!" Four Arms' words rang out, a desperate plea, but it was too late. Goku's fury was unleashed in a devastating blow, his fist puncturing the demon's flesh with a brutal finality. Yajirobe, the silent observer, voiced his curiosity, "So... uh... what are you supposed to be?"

Four Arms turned to face the inquisitive figure, a storm of emotions brewing within him. "I am no longer in the talking mood," he replied tersely, his scowl etched with seriousness. His massive arm reached out, seizing Goku, hoisting the boy off the ground. Frustration and anger welled up within him as he shouted, "Kid! What the hell were you thinking? He was down! Even if he killed your friend, that doesn't make it okay. Now you are no different from him!"

Goku struggled within the alien's iron grip, his voice adamant, "Let go, you big red ugly thing! We have a bigger problem!" Four Arms' attention was seized, curiosity mingling with his frustration. "And what would that be?"

"King Piccolo!" Goku's cry echoed through the alley, the urgency in his voice carrying the weight of the world's impending peril. "He's trying to take over the world!"

The dense forest canopy overhead filtered dappled sunlight as Goku and Yajirobe found themselves facing an unexpected ally, the imposing figure of Four Arms. He bore a stern expression, one that hinted at the gravity of the situation, and he listened intently to Goku's words.

Four Arms, now taking Goku's words seriously, inquired further, "That guy you killed, was he working with Piccolo?"

Goku, always straightforward, nodded without hesitation. "Yes, Tambourine was the child of Piccolo," he affirmed.

Four Arms' four eyes blinked in unison, a clear sign of understanding. He extended a muscular arm towards Goku, a gesture of camaraderie. "The name is Four Arms," he introduced himself.

With a beaming smile, Goku eagerly responded, "I'm Son Goku!"

Four Arms returned the smile, the hardness in his gaze giving way to a newfound trust. "Well, Goku, if he is a danger to the planet, defeat him!" he declared, his voice resonating with determination.

Goku, ever curious, couldn't help but ask a pressing question. "Can you fly?" he inquired, wondering about Four Arms' capabilities.

Four Arms responded by undergoing a rapid transformation, his form shifting and contorting until he became Jetray, a flying alien being. "Of course, I can fly," Jetray replied with an air of confidence, his voice tinged with a touch of pride.

Goku was both surprised and impressed by the transformation. "That's so cool!" he exclaimed, genuine excitement radiating from him.

With the decision made and their new ally in tow, Jetray took the lead. "Now, let's go," he urged, ready to join Goku and Yajirobe in their mission to confront the looming threat of Piccolo. The trio, with Goku and Yajirobe riding the Flying Nimbus, ascended into the sky, their shared purpose uniting them as they embarked on their daring journey.

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