6. The Elite

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Alone in the vast emptiness of space, Raditz found himself severed from every tie that had once anchored him. With a bitter mixture of anger and sorrow, he crushed his scouter, symbolically deserting the oppressive grip of the Frieza Force. His comrades, Vegeta and Nappa, the very figures from his childhood, had betrayed him. Even his own flesh and blood, Kakarot, now known as Goku, had turned his back on him after the threat he posed to Earth and its inhabitants.

In the unfathomable expanse of time and space, Raditz's space pod became his solitary sanctuary, drifting aimlessly for what felt like an eternity. The cosmic wanderer eventually spotted a distant planet, a beacon of hope in the darkness. Determination etched across his face, Raditz landed on the unfamiliar soil, stepping out from the confines of his small space pod.

As he surveyed his new surroundings, a steely resolve settled within him. Raditz vowed to grow stronger, to forge himself into a force to be reckoned with, and to return to exact revenge upon those who had shattered his trust: Vegeta and Nappa. Despite their mocking jibes and the low-class status they had thrust upon him, they had been the closest Raditz had ever come to having friends. Now, that semblance of camaraderie was a distant memory, a chapter of his life that had come to a bitter end. The future lay ahead, a blank canvas awaiting the strokes of his newfound strength and determination.

Unperturbed by the fearful gazes of the planet's inhabitants, Raditz moved with a commanding presence, his very aura exuding intimidation. Unbeknownst to him, from a distance, eyes keen as a hawk's observed his every move. Granolah, a figure cloaked in wrath, locked onto Raditz with lethal precision, his finger pointing like a sniper lining up a shot.

With a sudden and fierce intensity, Granolah unleashed a ki beam, a lethal projectile that found its mark, striking Raditz's vital spot. A cry of pain erupted from Raditz's lips, his eyes darting wildly in search of the elusive assailant.

"Shit!" Raditz exclaimed, his voice carrying a blend of agony and fury as he struggled to comprehend the unseen enemy who had dealt him this grievous blow. Unknown to him, the shadows of vengeance were already encroaching upon his newfound sanctuary.




The air crackled with tension as the Dragon Team hurtled towards the destruction, their senses tingling with the malevolence that hung in the atmosphere. Ben, Goku, Tien, Krillin, Chiaotzu, and Yamcha arrived at the scene, their eyes widening in horror at the decimated city before them. Smoke curled into the sky, a grim reminder of the power Vegeta and Nappa wielded.

Ben's eyes narrowed as he surveyed the devastation, his jaw clenching with a mix of anger and determination. "We need to stop them before they cause more harm," he said, his voice firm.

Goku, his fists clenched, nodded in agreement. "Right. We can't let them hurt anyone else."

Tien, his eyes narrowing with resolve, added, "We'll need to work together and be strategic. They're not to be underestimated."

Krillin, his brow furrowing, scanned the area, searching for any signs of the Saiyan invaders. "We can't afford to hold back. Let's hit them hard and fast."

Chiaotzu, his small form radiating determination, chimed in, "We have the power of teamwork on our side. We can do this."

Yamcha, his scars a testament to past battles, cracked his knuckles, a determined glint in his eyes. "Let's teach these guys not to mess with Earth."

As the Dragon Team stood amidst the ruins, a silent understanding passed between them. They were Earth's last line of defense, standing together against a threat that promised unparalleled destruction. With their hearts ablaze with determination, they prepared to face Vegeta and Nappa, ready to confront the menace that loomed before them.

Under the vast, open sky, the Dragon Team stood defiantly before the formidable Saiyan duo, Vegeta and Nappa. The air buzzed with anticipation, the tension palpable as the warriors sized up their adversaries. Vegeta's lips curled into a sardonic smirk, while Nappa's hearty laughter echoed through the desolate wastelands.

Goku, his voice firm yet calm, issued a stern command. "Don't harm the civilians. We'll settle this in the Northern Wastelands."

Vegeta's expression twisted into a cynical grin. "Very well," he sneered. "Seems you've chosen the perfect burial ground for yourselves."

Nappa's laughter boomed, his amusement fueled by the impending battle. The Dragon Team led the Saiyan duo to the mountainous terrain, where the fighters, bathed in the glow of determination, stood in unwavering readiness.

Memories of their victory over Raditz lingered in the air, a reminder of the battles they had faced before. Goku's eyes narrowed as he inquired about their fallen comrade. "Where's Raditz?"

A chilling revelation hung in Vegeta's response. "I killed him," he declared, a statement that struck the Dragon Team with a mixture of shock and revulsion.

"You killed your own ally?" Krillin gasped, the disbelief evident in his voice.

Tien, his brows furrowing in anger, challenged Vegeta's ruthless act. "What kind of Saiyan are you?"

Ben, his features contorted with anger, transformed into Echo Echo, his voice resonating with power. "Leave this planet now, while you still can!"

Vegeta, recalling Raditz's words, scrutinized Echo Echo. "A shapeshifter," he mused aloud. "Raditz spoke of a human who transformed into a Saiyan. Could that be you?"

Echo Echo met Vegeta's gaze with unyielding resolve. "What does it matter to you?"

In an instant, Nappa lunged, aiming for an attack. However, his assault was swiftly halted as Goku transformed into Wrathful Saiyan, his strength overwhelming the brute Saiyan. Nappa, forced to his knees, spat blood in a futile attempt to regain his footing.

Vegeta, undeterred, sneered at Goku. "80,000? Still weak," he taunted, checking the power levels on his scouter.

Goku, his eyes ablaze with determination, countered with a powerful punch, shattering Vegeta's jaw. Vegeta's pained cry filled the air, echoing through the battleground.

Sensing an opportunity, Echo Echo unleashed Sonic Waves, a cacophony that left Vegeta and Nappa disoriented. Seizing the moment, Krillin swiftly acted, launching two miniature Destructo disks that severed the Saiyans' tails.

Nappa roared in anguish, his cry filled with despair, while Vegeta cursed their names, his eyes ablaze with rage.

Vegeta, consumed by fury, lunged at Echo Echo, only to be thwarted by the swift retaliation of the humans and Goku. Together, their combined might hold Vegeta at bay, the echoes of their victory reverberating through the desolate wasteland. The Dragon Team stood strong, their unity the bedrock of their defense against the Saiyan onslaught.

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