1. Goku's Battle with Tambourine and the Arrival of Jetray

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In the dimly lit expanse, amidst the swirling mists of uncertainty, Ben stood before a formidable entity known as Zalgo--an enigmatic and omnipotent alien being, whose very presence sent shivers down mortal spines. The clash between them was no contest, for Zalgo wielded unimaginable power, effortlessly vanquishing his adversary time and again.

With a gesture of cosmic mastery, Zalgo conjured yet another replica of Ben, a clone born of his own enigmatic design. Without hesitation, the new doppelgänger was propelled through an arcane portal, just as another had been before. The clone materialized high above the sky, his heart pounding in his chest as he plummeted towards the ground. A surge of instinctive transformation overcame him, and he morphed into the majestic form of Jetray, a mighty alien with wings that carried him through the heavens.

Dizzied and bewildered, the clone struggled to piece together his fragmented memories. He distinctly recalled standing face to face with his own image before being forcefully cast into the unknown through that mystic rift. As Jetray, he soared through the skies, seeking answers amidst the turmoil of battle below.

As he circled above, an ethereal voice echoed within the recesses of his mind, reverberating like distant thunder. "Who are you?" it demanded, laden with uncertainty and self-doubt.

The clone replied aloud, though no one could hear, "I am Ben... Or am I?"


The news of Krillin's lifeless body spread like wildfire through the close-knit community of warriors. Goku, his eyes blazing with anger, clenched his fists tightly as he stood amidst the somber gathering. Bulma, ever resourceful, handed Goku the Dragon Radar, her voice laced with concern. "You need to find the culprit, Goku. Bring them to justice."

Goku's voice was determined, tinged with grief. "I will, Bulma. I won't let Krillin's death go unpunished."

Yamcha, Tien, and the others exchanged worried glances. "But Goku," Tien hesitated, "Master Roshi ordered us not to leave the house. It could be dangerous out there."

Ignoring the cautionary words, Goku's resolve remained unshaken. "I don't care about that right now. Whoever did this will pay."

As Goku set out on his vengeful journey, his friends remained behind, grappling with their own turmoil. Yamcha furrowed his brow, deep in thought. "We can't just sit here and do nothing. We have to find out who did this to Krillin."

Tien nodded in agreement. "You're right. Let's start by investigating any clues we can find."

Their search led them down an unexpected path, one that led straight to Master Roshi's past. The old master hesitated, a shadow of regret crossing his eyes. "Long ago," he began, "there was a dark time when the world was under the terror of King Piccolo. He unleashed his demon army, and chaos reigned."

Yamcha leaned in, captivated by the story. "What happened then?"

Master Roshi's voice grew somber. "My master, Master Mutaito, sacrificed himself to seal King Piccolo away using the forbidden Evil Containment Wave technique. He locked the demon in an Electric Rice Cooker, but it cost him his life."

Tien's eyes widened in realization. "And now, someone has found that Electric Rice Cooker and released King Piccolo."

The pieces were falling into place, revealing a malevolent plot. Emperor Pilaf and his gang, notorious for their mischievous ways, had unleashed the ancient evil upon the world. "Why would Pilaf do such a thing?" Yamcha wondered aloud.

"It seems they hope to gain favor with King Piccolo," Master Roshi explained gravely, "They want him to take over the world, and in return, he'll grant them power over a section of the planet."

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