18: Evil Incarnated

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Krillin blinked several times, trying to clear the disorientation that came with the sudden return to flesh and blood. He glanced around, noting the absence of his friends. The last thing he remembered was the chilling touch of Dabura's spit, and now, here he was, restored but alone. He felt a surge of determination and launched himself into the air, his senses quickly locking onto the familiar ki signatures of his allies.

He flew with urgency, the landscape below blurring as he made his way back to the tournament arena. As he approached, a powerful energy signature caught his attention, one that was both familiar and astonishingly potent. Krillin's eyes widened in disbelief as he descended to the battlegrounds.

In the midst of the chaotic scene stood a warrior with long, flowing golden hair, radiating a fierce and awe-inspiring aura. Krillin's gaze was drawn to the hourglass logo emblazoned on the warrior's outfit—a symbol he had come to associate with one person.

"Ben?" Krillin whispered, hardly daring to believe what he was seeing. The power emanating from Ben was unlike anything he had ever felt before. It was raw, overwhelming, and completely unreal.

Ben, in his Super Saiyan 3 form, turned to face Krillin, a confident smile playing on his lips. "Krillin! You're back to normal," he called out, his voice carrying easily over the noise of the arena.

"Yeah," Krillin replied, still trying to process the incredible power before him. "What happened here? And what... what form is this?"

Ben chuckled, his energy crackling around him. "This is Super Saiyan 3," he explained. "It's a level beyond what you've seen. I had to bring out all the stops to handle Dabura."

Krillin shook his head in amazement. "Your power... it's incredible. I can barely believe it."

"Thanks, Krillin," Ben said, his expression serious now. "But there's no time to rest. We need to regroup and figure out our next move. Babidi and his minions are still out there, and they're after something big."

Krillin nodded, his determination renewed by Ben's words. "Right. Let's put an end to this once and for all."

"Stop using that form! You're giving out too much energy! This is only going to help in the revival of Majin Buu!" Shin yelled at Ben, his voice carrying an edge of desperation.

Ben's eyes widened in realization. "Oh man...I got lost in the moment," he muttered, swiftly transforming back into his human form. The golden aura that had surrounded him dissipated, and he felt the weight of his mistake.

Meanwhile, in Babidi's lair, the dark sorcerer was cackling with glee. He watched with manic delight as Buu's egg reached 100%. "Yes, yes! I will do what my predecessor could not," Babidi proclaimed, his voice echoing through the chamber. "I will be the one to control the monster, the menace known as Buu. The destroyer of the South Galaxy, the terror of the Kais!"

With a wicked grin, Babidi used his magic to transport all the fighters to his location, eager for them to witness the birth of Majin Buu. The fighters found themselves standing before the ominous egg, which began to crack open. Smoke billowed out, enveloping the area in a thick, dark haze.

Shin and Kibito watched in horror, their faces pale with fear. "This is it," Shin whispered, his voice trembling. "The evil known as Majin Buu."

Ben, Goku, Raditz, Vegeta, Krillin, and Gohan stood in stunned silence as the smoke cleared, revealing the figure within. Buu did not appear as terrifying as they had expected, but the sheer power emanating from him was undeniable and deeply unsettling.

"We're doomed," Shin spoke, his words heavy with dread.

Babidi laughed in the faces of the fighters, his glee palpable. "Haha! I have done it! Majin Buu is under my control!"

Babidi's triumph was short-lived. Buu did not attack when ordered. Instead, the pink creature looked around with a childlike curiosity, completely ignoring Babidi's commands.

"Buu! Destroy them! I command you!" Babidi screamed, his face contorting in anger.

Buu turned his head slowly, his expression one of mild disinterest. "No. Buu not listen to you," he said in a high-pitched, almost playful tone.

The fighters exchanged bewildered glances. Goku took a step forward, his voice steady. "This might be our chance. Buu doesn't seem to be under Babidi's control."

Vegeta nodded, his eyes narrowing. "Then we fight. We take down Babidi and then deal with Buu."

Ben clenched his fists, determination burning in his eyes. "Right. Let's end this, once and for all."

Vegeta, his pride wounded, stepped forward and sneered at Buu. "You're nothing but a mindless idiot," he spat.

Buu's face twisted in anger. In an instant, he lunged at Vegeta, his fist connecting with such force that Vegeta was sent crashing into the ground. Vegeta struggled to his feet, only to be pummeled back down by a relentless barrage of blows. In mere moments, Vegeta lay defeated, barely conscious.

Shin leaped into action, launching a counterattack. His energy blasts struck Buu, but they had no effect. The Supreme Kai watched in horror as Buu shrugged off the attacks as if they were nothing more than mosquito bites.

Goku, Gohan, and Raditz exchanged a grim look. Without a word, they all powered up to Super Saiyan Two, their auras crackling with electric energy. They charged at Buu together, a flurry of punches and kicks raining down on the pink menace. Every hit that landed only seemed to amuse Buu, who regenerated almost instantly from any damage inflicted.

At first, Buu laughed, thinking they were merely playing with him. But as the intensity of their attacks grew, his laughter stopped. Realizing they were trying to obliterate him, Buu's expression darkened. He unleashed a surge of power, knocking them all back with ease. The Saiyans crumpled to the ground, beaten and bruised. Steam hissed from the holes on top of Buu's head, and a thick cloud of smoke enveloped the battlefield.

Meanwhile, Ben had slipped away, his eyes scanning the area for Babidi. He knew that cutting the head off the snake was their best chance. As he searched, the smoke cleared to reveal not one, but two Buus standing before the stunned Saiyans. The new arrival was a grey, emaciated version of the pink monster.

"What the hell is going on?" Raditz growled, forcing himself to his feet.

In a chilling display, the grey Buu turned on his pink counterpart. With a flick of his wrist, the grey Buu transformed the pink Buu into chocolate, then devoured him whole. The grey Buu's body began to morph and grow, his power level skyrocketing.

The Saiyans could only watch in horror as the grey Buu underwent a grotesque metamorphosis. When the transformation was complete, the ki radiating from the creature was pure malevolence, a palpable force of darkness.

Goku clenched his fists, his voice tense. "We need to regroup. This is a whole new level of evil."

Gohan nodded, his eyes wide with fear. "We need a new plan. And fast."

Ben decided to target Babidi. Sneaking off, he transforms into his new Core Person transformation. He knew time was running out. He steeled himself, determined to find the dark sorcerer and end this nightmare once and for all. With the information that was downloaded into his brain, he knew what he could do with this new alien. "Kai Kai." Ben appeared in front of a terrified Babidi.

Back on the battlefield, the newly transformed Buu grinned wickedly at the fallen fighters. "Now, let's have some real fun," he said, his voice dripping with sadistic glee.

The Saiyans braced themselves, knowing they faced an enemy unlike any they had ever encountered.

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