9. Surprise

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Once the trio of Ben, Goku, and Vegeta landed their ship on an open wasteland, they disembarked to find their friends and families waiting for them. Among the familiar faces stood a teen with purple hair, prompting the teen to question Ben, "Who are you?" Ben, raising an eyebrow, retorted, "The same can be said for you."

As they conversed, another ship descended, bringing King Cold and a small army with him. Vegeta smirked and declared to the group, "Don't get in my way, worms. Cold is mine!"

The fighters efficiently dealt with the small army, with Ben even managing to fend off soldiers without the need to transform.

Vegeta, however, took his time engaging with Cold, not yet tapping into his Super Saiyan power. King Cold, in mockery, questioned Vegeta, "Tell me, who killed my son?" Vegeta proudly asserted, "That would have been me. You should have seen this coming. After subjecting us to your rules and treating us like trash, we knew Frieza feared a Saiyan, a Saiyan that would one day rise and finally defeat him."

Puzzled, King Cold asked, "What the hell are you talking about?" Vegeta pointed at himself, declaring, "He fell to me, the Legendary Super Saiyan."

"Impossible! Stop talking nonsense," Cold scoffed in disbelief. Unfazed, Vegeta transformed into a Super Saiyan, instilling fear in Cold's eyes. The power quickly depleted as Vegeta struggled to maintain the transformation.

"This is for me, my people, and my planet!" Vegeta roared as he lunged toward King Cold.

The battlefield crackled with energy as Vegeta, now in his Super Saiyan form, faced off against King Cold. The air was thick with tension, and the onlookers, including Ben, Goku, and their friends, watched in anticipation.

King Cold, despite his initial arrogance, now looked genuinely concerned. The Legendary Super Saiyan was a force to be reckoned with, and the power differential was becoming more apparent by the second.

Vegeta lunged at King Cold with incredible speed, delivering a barrage of powerful blows. Cold struggled to keep up, parrying some strikes while barely dodging others. The battlefield shook with each clash, and the sounds of their fierce battle echoed across the open wasteland.

Ben observed, his eyes wide with amazement. Goku, recognizing the significance of Vegeta's transformation, grinned in approval.

"You're going down, Cold!" Vegeta shouted, his voice reverberating with power. He unleashed a devastating energy blast, forcing King Cold to the defensive.

King Cold, realizing the gravity of the situation, decided to fight back. He gathered energy in his hands, forming a massive sphere. With a bellow, he launched a powerful energy wave toward Vegeta.

Vegeta, undeterred, countered with his own energy blast. The collision created a blinding explosion that momentarily engulfed the entire area. When the smoke cleared, both combatants were still standing, locked in a fierce stare-down.

The intensity of the battle reached its peak. Vegeta, fueled by his deep-seated rage and determination, unleashed a final surge of power. The ground beneath them cracked as he propelled himself forward, closing the distance between him and King Cold in an instant.

With a powerful kick to Cold's chest, Vegeta sent the tyrant hurtling through the air. Cold struggled to regain his composure, realizing he was outmatched.

Vegeta, gathering energy in his palm, created a blinding sphere of light. The power of a Super Saiyan reached its pinnacle. The Saiyan prince smirked, taunting Cold one last time.

"Farewell, King Cold. This is the end for you!" Vegeta roared.

With a mighty thrust, Vegeta launched the energy sphere at King Cold. The blast enveloped Cold, and a blinding explosion followed. The force of the explosion shook the ground beneath them, and when the smoke cleared, King Cold was nowhere to be seen.

Vegeta landed back on the battlefield, his Super Saiyan aura slowly dissipating. The onlookers were left in awe of the spectacle they had just witnessed. Vegeta, with a sense of accomplishment, turned to the group.

"That's the end of the Cold Empire," Vegeta declared, a mix of triumph and exhaustion on his face. The group celebrated the victory, knowing that the tyrannical reign of King Cold had come to a decisive end.

Goku turned towards Trunks, his demeanor curious yet open. The rest of the group continued with their celebrations, unaware of the impending conversation.

"Sure, Trunks. What's on your mind?" Goku said, floating a few dozen feet away with Trunks.

Trunks hesitated for a moment, as if choosing the right words. "There's something important I need to share with you, Goku. I'm not from this time. My name is Trunks, and I'm the child of Vegeta and Bulma."

Goku's eyes widened at the revelation. "Vegeta and Bulma? But they're not together in our timeline. And Vegeta has plans to leave Earth."

Trunks furrowed his brow, a mix of confusion and concern clouding his expression. "It seems like our timelines are different. Anything I do here won't affect mine."

Trunks handed Goku a small vial. "In three years, there will be a threat – the Androids. They devastated my future, killing millions. You died from a heart virus. This is the cure," Trunks explained, his eyes revealing the weight of the future he came from.

Goku's expression shifted to one of concern. "A heart virus? That doesn't sound good." He opened the vial. "I think I'll take it now, just in case I forget later."

Trunks nodded in agreement. "Smart move."

As Goku ingested the medicine, Trunks had one more pressing question. "Do you have the Super Saiyan transformation?"

Goku shook his head. "No, only Vegeta has achieved it so far. But I'm confident that in three years, I'll be able to transform too."

Trunks sighed in relief. "I hope so. Well, Goku, I have to go now. Take care, and good luck in the future."

"Goodbye for now, Trunks," Goku replied, watching as Trunks took off into the sky, disappearing into the distance.

Bulma gently tugged on Ben's shirt, her smile carrying a mixture of excitement and nerves. She motioned for him to follow her, ensuring they walked far enough to shroud their conversation in privacy.

"Ben, there's something I need to tell you," Bulma began, her tone suggesting a hint of seriousness. "But before I say anything, I need you to promise me that you won't freak out."

Ben, intrigued and slightly anxious, nodded in agreement. "Okay, Bulma. What's going on?"

Bulma took a deep breath before diving into the revelation. "Well, you know how I've always been curious about the special aspects of your humanoid aliens. And, um, it led to... well, you already know," she admitted, gauging Ben's reaction.

Ben, with a cringe, acknowledged the past escapades. "Yeah, that was fun and all. But if you're about to say what I think you are, it's either impossible or highly unlikely."

Bulma hesitated for a moment, and then she spoke, "There's one alien from my experience that bears a striking resemblance to humans."

Ben's eyes widened with realization. "Saiyan..."

Bulma confirmed his suspicion with a nod. "Yeah, Ben. I'm pregnant."

The revelation hit Ben like a bolt of lightning, leaving him momentarily speechless. "Holy sh—"

Bulma chuckled softly at his reaction. "Surprise."

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