8. Fall of an Emperor, Rise of a Legend

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The journey to Frieza's planet, marked by relentless sparring sessions, became an odyssey of growth for Ben, his Saiyan form and other alien abilities evolving under the crucible of combat. Alongside Goku, Vegeta, and Nappa, the collective strength of the group burgeoned exponentially.

As the spaceship landed on Frieza Planet 79, the quartet disembarked, greeted not by an immediate assault but by a congregation of Frieza Force soldiers. Acknowledging Vegeta and Nappa as allies, the soldiers hesitated, assuming the newcomers were also comrades.

Vegeta ascended into the sky with a smirk, unleashing a barrage of ki blasts that obliterated the surrounding soldiers. Nappa followed suit, leaving Ben uneasy about the bloodshed. "Vegeta, Nappa, our target is Frieza, not the soldiers. Stop killing them," he urged, his voice cutting through the discord.

"This is unnecessary!" Goku chimed in, aligning with Ben's plea. Amidst the verbal skirmish, Pui Pui, a loyal Frieza Force soldier, hastened to inform Frieza of the escalating situation.

Frieza, in his regal quarters, acknowledged the disturbance. "Zarbon, Dodoria, rid the universe of these monkeys," he commanded, sensing the diminishing powers of his underlings.

Arriving at the tumultuous scene, Zarbon and Dodoria met the defiant gazes of Vegeta, Nappa, Goku, and Ben. The Saiyans, warned by Ben, refrained from lethal attacks. Dodoria sneered mockingly at the notion of being spared.

"Let's get this over with," Ben declared, transforming into the towering Waybig. Zarbon shifted into his less aesthetically pleasing but more potent second form. The Saiyan trio observed as Waybig shrugged off Zarbon and Dodoria futile assaults.

Amused by the soldiers' inability to harm Waybig.

Frieza could see that Zarbon and Dadoria's power levels had dropped considerably. He scoffed and muttered, "Fine, I'll do it myself."

The emperor of the universe exited his quarters and arrived at the scene, surveying. He spotted one thing, which was a being. Frieza saw Waybig, and Waybig spotted Frieza.

Frieza was confused as he never saw any alien species like Waybig ever in his decades of ruling the universe.

"Do you mind explaining what the hell is going on here?" He asked, his tone reeking of annoyance.

Under the crimson-hued sky of Frieza's planet, Waybig, Goku, Vegeta, and Nappa gathered, their resolve echoing through the desolate landscape. The air carried an electric tension as they prepared to confront the tyrant who held the universe in his iron grip.

Waybig, towering over the others, his voice resonant and determined, spoke first. "You must be Frieza. Your reign of terror ends today. We will bring justice to the universe and put an end to your oppression."

Goku, with an unwavering gleam in his eyes, added, "You've caused enough suffering. It's time that someone stood up and fought you. Hopefully you're as strong as I'm hoping you are."

Vegeta, his pride evident in every word, declared, "I won't tolerate being under your thumb any longer. This ends now, and I'll be the one to finish it."

Nappa, the brash and robust Saiyan, chimed in, "We've all got a score to settle with you. Let's show him the strength of those he tried to suppress."

As they exchanged determined glances, a silent agreement passed between them. The battle against Frieza was more than a confrontation; it was a culmination of grievances, a stand against oppression, and a pledge to free the universe from the grip of a tyrant.

Frieza laughed in the faces of the ones that dared go against him. He flies toward Waybig who easily catches him in his hands. Frieza struggled in the grip and then started to transform into his second form. Frieza escaped the grasp of Waybig, punching the giant in the jaw.

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