7. Departure

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Goku transformed into his Wrathful Saiyan state which surprised both Nappa and Vegeta. Goku wasted no time in knocking both of the Saiyans out.

Echo Echo turned back into Ben. Krillin suggests that they finish them off so no more people would die to their hands. Goku disagreed and said that they should spare Vegeta and Nappa, something Ben himself agreed to.

“They may have destroyed a city and their people but we would not be any different if we were to kill them. Especially since they are unconscious, it just would not be right,” Ben says.

“If that's what you think is best, then so be it. Just make sure to keep an eye on them,” Krillin says. “Will do,” Goku replied.

“Hey, we should get them to a hospital. I would say to give them senzu beans but who knows what they’ll do once they wake. Especially since they’re going to get more powerful once healed,” Ben says.

Goku lifts both Nappa and Raditz. “I got it, I’ll bring them to a hospital.”

And so after a few days since the battle, they entered the hospital Vegeta and Nappa were staying at. Ben and Goku entered Vegeta’s room to see how he was doing.

Vegeta glared at the two of them. “What are you doing here?” Vegeta questioned. “Just checking up on you, see how you’re doing,” Ben answered. “You two are foolish for sparing Nappa and I. Once I’m healed I’ll face Frieza and end him myself,” Vegeta says.
“Who is that?” Goku questioned. “Yeah, who is Frieza?” Ben also questioned. “The one who enslaved the Saiyans and inevitably destroyed us. As of right now, there are five pure blood Saiyans including myself and Kakarot.”

“So there is you, Kakarot which I know is Goku’s Saiyan name, Raditz, Nappa, and one more? Who’s the last one?” Ben questioned Vegeta.

“Wouldn’t you like to know? I’ll tell you if you show me this so-called ‘Saiyan transformation’ of yours.” Vegeta asked Ben.

Ben thought about it and decided to humor Vegeta. He dials his Omnitrix and then transforms into his Saiyan form, which looks like Goku with brown hair.

“This is both fascinating and disgusting,” Vegeta claimed.

“Why disgusting?” Ben laughed.

“Because you are not a true Saiyan. Just an imitation,” Vegeta claimed.

“As far as I’m concerned, this is the real deal.” Ben says.

Vegeta stayed quiet for a few moments. His face looks as if he was hating what he was about to ask.

“You two are powerful, I can say that. And that is why I’m asking you…help me take down Frieza. If you do, I will stay out of your way and you can go on with the rest of your lives without worrying whether or not I will come back to kill you,” Vegeta says to them.
Goku and Ben glanced at each other. “This Frieza guy seems like a tough opponent,” Goku says. Vegeta nods, “He is one of the strongest beings in the universe.”

“When you say he’s one of the strongest, are you referring to the fact that there are people stronger than Frieza?” Ben questioned. “Yes, although the chances of us encountering him are extremely low. But that is not important now. Will you help me or not?”

“Yeah, we’ll help you,” Ben agreed.

“You are doing the universe as a whole a big favor by helping me eliminate him,” Vegeta claimed.

Goku retrieved a brown pouch from his pocket, producing a senzu bean. With a casual toss, he sent it to Vegeta, who effortlessly caught it.

Vegeta examined the senzu bean skeptically. "What is this?" he questioned.

"Something that will make you feel brand new," Goku remarked with a smirk.

Curious, Vegeta popped the bean into his mouth. Almost immediately, the effects kicked in, swiftly healing his aching wounds and tired muscles. He looked at his revitalized self in disbelief. "How?"

"I wouldn't question it. Honestly, I have no idea how it's possible," Ben admitted. "Now we should heal Nappa too."

The trio entered Nappa's hospital room, where the Saiyan warrior was awake but still recovering. Nappa, too, was fed a senzu bean and filled in on recent events by Vegeta.

"Now, we should really get you some new armor. Luckily for you, I know just what to do. You'd learn a few things if your partner was a super genius," Ben commented, earning a dubious look from Vegeta and Nappa. "Anyway, it should be done in, I'd say, two days," he added.

"New armor would actually be appreciated," Nappa acknowledged.

In the days that followed, Vegeta and Nappa underwent a metamorphosis on Earth. Their worn-out armor was replaced with new, resilient attire, and they even embraced the concept of casual Earthling clothing. Meanwhile, Ben, Bulma, and Dr. Briefs toiled ceaselessly on a state-of-the-art spaceship, complete with a gravity feature designed for intense training.

Amid the rigorous preparations, they never allowed their training to waver. Each day unfolded as a montage of dedication in the gravity chamber, where the group honed their skills, enduring the amplified gravitational forces to forge strength for the challenges looming on the horizon.

The chamber echoed with the clashing sounds of energy blasts, the grunts of exertion, and the determination that fueled their relentless pursuit of improvement. The artificial gravity intensified the physical strain, pushing them beyond their limits.

Vegeta, his voice gritted with determination: "Is that all you've got, Nappa?"

Nappa, with a hearty laugh: "Come on, Vegeta! I can do better than that!"

Ben, encouragingly: "Keep pushing, guys! We need to be ready for whatever comes our way."

Bulma, checking the systems: "The gravity level is insane. 10x gravity is just crazy."

As the final day dawned, they donned their gear for departure. Vegeta and Nappa, already aboard the ship, exchanged a nod, ready for the journey. Ben and Goku shared farewells with friends and family, the atmosphere charged with a mix of anticipation and bittersweet emotions.

Goku, waving to Chi-Chi and Gohan: "We'll be back before you know it. Take care of each other."

Chi-Chi, holding back tears: "You better come back, Goku, and make sure he does too," she added, pointing at Ben.

Ben, grinning: "Don't worry, Chi-Chi. We've got this. Take care, everyone!"

Bulma: “Make sure to come back and try not to die!” Bulma yells.

Ben: “I’ll make sure to do that! It’ll be over before you know it.”
With their goodbyes said, Ben and Goku entered the spaceship. The engines hummed to life, and the vessel gracefully ascended, piercing through the Earth's atmosphere and into the cosmic expanse, setting a course for the unknown challenges that awaited them among the stars.

(A/N: As you can see, the writing format changed at the very end. Just thought I’d mixed things up. But don’t worry, this will be used sparingly or maybe not all at.)

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