5. Raditz, Goku's Older Brother

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Under the ominous sky, tension crackled in the air as Raditz's sneering voice sliced through the silence.

"Is that your brat?" he taunted, his eyes narrowing at Gohan, who stood close to his mother, Chi-Chi, seeking shelter in her protective embrace.

"Who the hell are you?" Chi-Chi demanded, her voice a mixture of concern and anger. Her gaze darted toward Goku for answers, her husband appearing as perplexed as she felt.

Standing nearby, Ben's eyes narrowed as he assessed the situation. "Looks like trouble to me," he remarked, his tone steady but laced with caution.

Tien, his confidence undeterred by the newcomer's arrogance, stepped forward. "I suggest you leave while you still can," he warned, his stance unwavering.

Raditz, however, remained defiant, a cruel laughter escaping his lips. "Is a human threatening me?" he sneered at Tien, his gaze shifting to Goku. "Kakarot, do me a favor and kill 100 humans. I'll give you 10 minutes."

Goku's brow furrowed in confusion. "Who's Kakarot? I'm sorry, but you have the wrong person," he replied earnestly. "And I am not killing the people here!"

Raditz's grin widened, mocking. "At least you still have your tail... But tell me, did you hit your head as a kid?"

Goku nodded, his gaze firm. "Yeah, I did. As for my tail, it just grew back. But that does not matter now. You need to leave!"

"And you better make it fast before you get your ass kicked!" Bulma chimed in, her voice dripping with confidence and defiance.

He lunged towards Bulma, venomous intent in his eyes, only to find himself sent sprawling by a powerful, swift kick. As he hit the ground, confusion and disbelief etched across his face, his eyes scanning the sky for answers.

His gaze landed on a figure, unmistakably resembling Goku, but exuding a different, more intense energy. Raditz's incredulity deepened. "What the hell?" he muttered, his voice laced with disbelief.

Before him stood Ben, his eyes ablaze with determination, a warrior of a different kind. "You made a huge mistake doing that," Ben declared, his voice firm, each word carrying the weight of the impending confrontation.

A flicker of realization passed through Raditz's eyes. "That human... did he? No... that's not possible," he whispered, grappling with the improbable truth before him.

Seizing the moment, Ben turned to Goku, his comrade and friend. "Goku, I think we can finally use it," he said, his tone filled with conviction.

Goku met Ben's gaze, a silent understanding passing between them. He nodded, a resolute affirmation that he was ready. He knew precisely what Ben was referring to--an untapped power, a culmination of years of training, struggle, and collaboration. The moment had arrived, and they were prepared to unleash their combined might upon the challenges that lay ahead. The stage was set for a battle that would echo through the cosmos, a clash where two Saiyan warriors, united in purpose, would face adversaries that tested their very essence as warriors.

Raditz's scouter buzzed with the alarm of skyrocketing power levels, registering Ben and Goku both at an astonishing 50,000. Raditz felt a shiver of fear crawls down his spine.

"Shit! A power level of 50,000?!" he cursed, realizing the dire situation he had just walked into.

With a fierce battle cry, Raditz charged, but his attacks were met with a swift and coordinated defense. Ben and Goku, now masters of their Oozaru forms, channeled their combined might into their humanoid bodies, embodying the Wrathful Saiyan power.

The battlefield erupted into a whirlwind of punches, kicks, and energy blasts. Despite Raditz's bravado, he was no match for the overwhelming power of the two Saiyan warriors. Moments later, Raditz lay battered and broken on the ground.

Staring down at their fallen foe, Ben and Goku exchanged a knowing glance. Their shared ideals resonated through the fight, and a decision was made in unspoken agreement--they would spare Raditz.

Bruised and bloodied, Raditz staggered back to his Saiyan pod, swearing revenge as he disappeared into the sky. His promise hung heavily in the air, foretelling a storm on the horizon, one that would soon bring the arrival of two Saiyan titans--Vegeta and Nappa--to Earth's doorstep.

As Raditz's pod streaked through the atmosphere, a maelstrom of emotions churned within him--anger, frustration, and confusion vying for dominance. He clenched his fists, his Saiyan pride wounded by the unexpected defeat at the hands of the Earthlings. Struggling to make sense of the staggering power he had witnessed, he hastily activated his scouter.

With a mixture of apprehension and awe, Raditz recounted the encounter to Vegeta and Nappa, his fellow Saiyans. "I don't know what happened. They suddenly got 10 times more powerful, and there were only two differences I could make out. Their hair stood up, and their eyes turned yellow," he explained, his voice laced with disbelief.

Vegeta, ever the strategist, mused, "Interesting. Could it be that they are the Super Saiyans?" His tone, though contemplative, carried a hint of skepticism. "What was their power level?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued.

"50,000," Raditz replied, his words heavy with the weight of the truth he had witnessed.

Vegeta's lips curled into a smirk, unimpressed. "Impressive, only a little more powerful than Nappa. Still, they are nothing compared to me," he boasted, his arrogance unyielding even in the face of Raditz's revelation.

Nappa, ever the blunt one, scoffed at Raditz's account. "I call BS," he declared, his skepticism evident.

Vegeta, seizing the opportunity to belittle Raditz, added his disdain. "Seems like you've really got your ass kicked. You're spewing nonsense," he sneered, his laughter cutting through the communication channel.

Raditz, his pride wounded and his desperation palpable, tried to salvage some semblance of unity among them. "What is our next move?" he questioned, hoping for a shred of camaraderie.

But Vegeta's response was cold and dismissive. "Our? No, no. Not 'our'. You are a weakling, defeated by some lowly Saiyans on some backwater planet. Don't even think about locating us. You are on your own," he declared, his words like a death knell.

The communication abruptly cut off, leaving Raditz adrift in the boundless expanse of space, his once-loyal allies casting him aside like space debris. Alone in the cosmic vastness, Raditz grappled not only with the Earthlings' unexpected power but also with the harsh reality of his isolation, his destiny now a solitary path marred by defeat and uncertainty.

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