19: Two Can Play That Game

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Ben focused his telekinetic powers on Babidi, lifting the small magician into the air with a casual flick of his wrist. Babidi's eyes widened in fear as he struggled against the invisible force holding him aloft. "Put me down, you insolent wretch!" Babidi screeched, his voice high and frantic.

Ben smirked, his eyes glinting with a mixture of determination and disdain. "'Put you down,' you say? Well... since you asked so nicely..." He raised his hand, his palm glowing with the beginnings of a ki blast. The energy coalesced into a small, shimmering ball of light.

Babidi's screams grew more desperate. "No! You don't understand what you're doing! Stop!"

Ben's expression hardened. "Oh, I understand perfectly." With a sudden shout, "HAAAA!" The small ball of ki erupted into a massive beam of energy, enveloping Babidi completely.

The force of the attack was overwhelming. Babidi's shrieks were cut off abruptly as the ki blast consumed him, reducing the evil magician to nothing more than a wisp of smoke. The air crackled with residual energy, and then there was silence.

Ben lowered his hand, his breathing heavy but controlled. He turned to rejoin his friends, his face set in grim determination. "One less problem to worry about," he muttered.

As he returned to the battlefield, Goku looked at him with a mixture of relief and admiration. "Nice work, Ben. But we're not out of the woods yet."

Raditz nodded, his eyes scanning the area where the two Buus had been. "We've got a bigger problem now," he said, his voice tight with tension. "And it's not going to be easy."

Ben glanced over at the transformed Buu, now a towering figure of pure malevolence. He steeled himself, knowing the battle ahead would be the toughest they had ever faced. "Then let's finish this," he said, his voice resolute. "Together."

The fighters regrouped, their determination renewed. They knew the fight against Buu would be their greatest challenge yet, but with Babidi gone and their combined strength, they had a fighting chance. The fate of the world hung in the balance, and they were ready to give it their all.

Majin Buu's eyes locked onto Shin, and before anyone could react, he blurred into motion. His speed was unlike anything they had ever seen, a pink streak of destruction. In an instant, he was upon Shin, delivering a series of brutal blows that left the Supreme Kai crumpled on the ground, gasping for breath.

"Shin!" Ben shouted, extending his hand in a desperate attempt to use his telekinesis to restrain Buu. But his efforts were in vain. Buu merely chuckled, his bulbous body unaffected by Ben's mental powers. With a malicious grin, Buu turned the tables, using telekinesis of his own to hurl Ben hundreds of feet away, crashing him into a distant rock formation.

Gohan's eyes burned with fury. "You'll pay for that!" he screamed, charging at Buu with reckless abandon.

"Gohan, wait!" Raditz yelled, his voice desperate. But it was too late. Gohan's emotions had taken over, and he was already engaging Buu in a ferocious hand-to-hand battle.

Buu smirked, effortlessly dodging Gohan's attacks. "Is this all you've got?" he taunted, his voice dripping with mockery. He relished in Gohan's frustration, toying with him as if he were a mere child.

Seeing his son in danger, Goku rushed in to assist. But just as he was about to reach Gohan, another Buu, identical to the first, appeared out of nowhere and blocked his path. "What? A clone?" Goku muttered in disbelief as he found himself locked in combat with the duplicate Buu.

The real Buu laughed maniacally, his eyes gleaming with malice. "You think you can beat me? You're all so pathetic," he sneered. Then, with a swift movement, he enveloped Gohan in his pink, gelatinous body.

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