14: Party Tricks

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Cell’s eyes narrowed as he assessed the new arrival, the smirk on his face mirroring Raditz's. "Another Saiyan? And here I thought I'd seen it all. Very well, Raditz, if you think you can make a difference here, by all means, step forward. I'll enjoy adding your power to my own."

Raditz chuckled, his tail flicking with agitation. "I’ve heard about your little games, Cell. But you have no idea what you're up against. I've been training, pushing beyond limits I never knew I had. You might find I'm not so easy to absorb."

Vegeta scoffed, unable to hide his disdain. "Raditz, of all people? This is a joke. Don't get in my way."

Raditz shot a glare at Vegeta. "Keep your pride in check, Vegeta. This isn't about you."

Goku stepped forward, his eyes filled with curiosity and concern. "Raditz, what are you doing here? Why now?"

Raditz’s expression softened just a fraction as he glanced at his brother. "I’ve been wanting to visit again and after sensing this strange kid and all of the amazing power here I’ve decided to stop by. I may not have been there for you before, but I’m here now. I won’t let this monster destroy everything."

Cell, growing impatient, let out a dark laugh. "Touching reunion. But let's cut to the chase." He lunged at Raditz with blinding speed, his fists aiming for vital points.

Raditz dodged, his movements fluid and precise. He countered with a powerful kick to Cell's midsection, sending the bio-android skidding back. Cell’s eyes widened, a glint of respect mingling with his contempt. "Impressive. Perhaps you are worth my time after all."

Raditz didn’t wait for Cell to recover. He charged forward, his aura flaring as he unleashed a barrage of energy blasts. Cell retaliated, the sky lighting up with the clash of their attacks. The ground trembled beneath them, the sheer force of their battle creating shockwaves that radiated outward.

Watching from the sidelines, the other fighters felt a surge of hope mingled with apprehension. Goku’s fists clenched, his resolve hardening. "We can’t let Raditz face him alone. Let’s back him up!"

Vegeta nodded reluctantly, his pride set aside in the face of the greater threat. "Agreed. Let’s show this abomination the true power of the Saiyans!

Unbeknownst to Cell, Raditz was secretly siphoning away Cell’s energy and empowering himself. Cell could feel himself getting weaker, then he threw up both Android 17 and Android 18. Trunks, seeing the Androids instinctively swooped in to save them from any immediate danger. He wanted to destroy them but he knew that they had not done anything to this timeline yet. 

Cell was now imperfect and he was livid. “What have you done to me?!” He cried out. Ben took this as his chance to transform into his Saiyan form.

With a unified battle cry, Ben, Goku, Vegeta, Krillin, and Tien Shinhan launched themselves into the fray, their combined power adding to the chaotic maelstrom. Raditz glanced back, a flicker of gratitude in his eyes, before focusing entirely on Cell.

The battle intensified, each fighter pushing beyond their limits. Raditz and Goku, side by side for the first time in years, fought side by side. Vegeta's attacks were precise and unrelenting. Krillin and Tien provided crucial support, their energy blasts and techniques keeping Cell off-balance.

“Solar Flare!” Krillin shouted, blinding Cell. Cell, caught in the onslaught, roared in frustration. "You think you can defeat me?!"

Raditz smirked, his eyes blazing with determination. “You’re nothing but a monster. And monsters deserve to be destroyed."

With a final, coordinated effort, the fighters channeled their energy into a massive, combined attack. Ben, Raditz, Goku, and Vegeta stood at the forefront, their auras merging into a brilliant, blinding light.





The combined might of their attacks converged on Cell, engulfing him in a searing inferno of energy. Cell’s scream echoed through the battlefield, a sound of pure rage and disbelief. As the light faded, nothing remained of him but scattered particles, dissipating into the wind.

The fighters landed, their bodies battered and bruised but their spirits unbroken. Raditz looked at his brother, a hint of a smile playing at his lips. "Guess I’m not such a lost cause after all, huh?"

Goku grinned, clapping a hand on Raditz's shoulder. "No, you’re not. Welcome back, Raditz."

Vegeta crossed his arms, a smirk tugging at his lips. "Well, don’t get used to it. Next time, I’ll be the one to finish the fight."

Raditz chuckled, the tension finally easing. "I’ll hold you to that, Vegeta."

Ben's eyes narrowed with curiosity as he turned to Raditz, the long-lost brother of Goku. "So, where exactly have you been all this time?" he questioned, the intensity of the recent battle still fresh in his voice.

Raditz, focusing his attention on Ben, offered a slight smirk. "Ah, the shapeshifter," he began, a hint of amusement in his tone. "If you must know, I’ve been traveling the galaxy, searching for ways to grow stronger. I found myself on a planet called Yardrat. The inhabitants there are physically weak, but their techniques are incredibly valuable. That's where I spent most of my time."

Ben's interest was piqued. "Yardrat? What kind of techniques are we talking about?"

Raditz's expression grew more serious as he explained. "Instant Transmission, for one. It allows the user to teleport anywhere almost instantly. It took time to master, but I can see how useful it could be in battle. The Yardratians also taught me how to manipulate my energy more efficiently and even hide my presence completely."

Goku, who had been listening intently, couldn't contain his excitement. "Instant Transmission? That’s incredible! Sounds neat."

Raditz nodded. "Yes, Kakarot. It’s a useful technique, and one that could give us an edge in future battles." He glanced at Ben again. "And you, shapeshifter. I sense there’s more to you than meets the eye. That device on your wrist—what exactly is it?"

Ben glanced at the Omnitrix, then back at Raditz. "This is the Omnitrix. It allows me to transform into various alien forms, each with unique abilities. It’s a powerful tool, but it comes with its own set of challenges."

Raditz's eyes gleamed with interest. "Fascinating. It seems we all have our own ways of gaining strength."

Vegeta, who had been silently observing the exchange, finally spoke up. "Enough talk. We’ve defeated Cell, but there will always be new threats. We need to be ready. Train more."

Krillin, ever the voice of reason, nodded in agreement. "He's right. We should take this time to train and prepare for whatever comes next."

Goku placed a hand on Raditz's shoulder. "It’s good to have you back, brother. With your new abilities, we’ll be even stronger together."

Raditz’s smirk returned. "Indeed. Let’s see what this new era brings." As the group began to plan their next moves, the bond between them strengthened, knowing that with their combined abilities and newfound skills, they could face any challenge that lay ahead.

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