17: New Levels Of Strength!

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Along with the Supreme Kai and his servant Kibito, the Dragon Team observed from afar as Babidi, the king of the Demon Realm Dabura, and the warrior Pui Pui exterminated Yamu and Spopovitch after obtaining the energy gathered by the duo. The air was thick with tension as they watched the dark ritual unfold. Babidi, a small and sinister figure, cackle with glee as the energy was siphoned into a large containment device.

"This is bad," Goku muttered, his fists clenched at his sides. "We need to stop them before they revive Majin Buu."

Suddenly, Dabura's gaze snapped towards them, and with a swift motion, he launched an attack. Kibito moved to shield the group but was nearly killed, only saved by Ben's quick transformation into a Super Saiyan. Ben blocked Dabura's sword with his own energy blade, the force of the clash sending shockwaves through the air.

"Nice save, Ben," Goku called, readying himself for a fight.

Dabura, unfazed, smirked and made a sudden move, spitting at Krillin who was nearby. The spit hit Krillin, and within seconds, his body turned to stone. Gohan's eyes widened in horror. "Krillin!"

Shin's voice was grave as he explained, "In order to restore Krillin to normal, Dabura must be killed."

Determined, the remaining Z Fighters and the Supreme Kai invaded Babidi's Spaceship. The interior was dark and foreboding, with battle stages outfitted to absorb the energy of those who took damage inside. The energy was being funneled to revive Majin Buu, a terrifying prospect that spurred them into action.

As they navigated the twisted corridors, Babidi's voice echoed through the ship. "Welcome, intruders. I hope you enjoy my little game. Each stage will test your strength and resolve."

Babidi sent Pui Pui to Stage 1, where Vegeta stepped forward, his eyes blazing with determination. "I'll handle this," he declared. The Z Fighters and Supreme Kai watched as Vegeta faced off against Pui Pui.

Pui Pui smirked arrogantly. "You don't stand a chance against me."

Vegeta's response was a confident grin. "We'll see about that."

The fight began, with Vegeta moving swiftly and delivering powerful blows. Pui Pui tried to counter, but Vegeta's strength and speed were overwhelming. Each strike absorbed energy into the ship's mechanisms, but Vegeta showed no signs of stopping. With a final, devastating punch, Vegeta sent Pui Pui crashing to the ground, defeated.

"Is that all you've got?" Vegeta taunted, dusting off his hands.

Babidi's voice echoed again, tinged with frustration. "Impressive, but you have many more stages to go. Let's see if you can handle the next challenge."

With Pui Pui defeated, the Z Fighters steeled themselves for the battles ahead, knowing that each step brought them closer to preventing Majin Buu's resurrection. As they prepared to move to the next stage, Ben glanced at Shin.

"We'll stop this, no matter what," Ben said with determination.

Shin nodded. "We must. The fate of the universe depends on it."

They pressed forward, ready to face whatever Babidi had in store, their resolve unshakable.

Along with the Supreme Kai and his servant Kibito, the Dragon Team observed from afar as Babidi, the king of the Demon Realm Dabura, and the warrior Pui Pui exterminated Yamu and Spopovitch after obtaining the energy gathered by the duo. The air was thick with tension as they watched the dark ritual unfold. Babidi, a small and sinister figure, cackled with glee as the energy was siphoned into a large containment device.

"This is bad," Goku muttered, his fists clenched at his sides. "We need to stop them before they revive Majin Buu."

Suddenly, Dabura's gaze snapped towards them, and with a swift motion, he launched an attack. Kibito moved to shield the group but was nearly killed, only saved by Ben's quick transformation into a Super Saiyan. Ben blocked Dabura's sword with his own energy blade, the force of the clash sending shockwaves through the air.

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