12. A Perfect Encounter

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Cell stalked toward the pod that held Android 18. He tore off the plate and Android 18 eyes shot wide open. Her eyes met the sinister ones of Cell's. Before she could even do anything, he grabbed her by the neck and let his tail slowly absorb her.

"Thank you, thank you for giving me perfection!" Cell chuckled. His form started to change and contort once the absorption was over. His face becomes more human-like.

He looked at himself in the reflective glass of the pod plate and smirked. Cell looked around and something caught his eye. It was another pod just like the one 17 and 18 were in. This new pod was labeled as 16 and housed a bulky fully mechanical being.

Without any use for anything here, Cell decided to destroy the mountain in one fell swoop. He cuffed his hands together and said an all too familiar phrase.


The energy wave fully destroyed the mountain and everything that was inside. This included the secret underground compartment that housed Cell's present timeline self. But that did not matter. Cell was on a mission to fight the strongest people on this planet.

After what Cell did, the Z fighters were alerted by the sudden rise of strength and the power of the Kamehameha Cell put out.

Back at Capsule Corp, a time machine appeared before the entrance of the building. One of the employees rushed inside to inform Ben and Bulma. "Hey, you two gotta see this. Something just appeared in thin air from the sky and now it's out front!" The employee yelled.

They had an idea of who it could be, walking out of the building they saw the time machine. It opens and out comes Trunks, he smiles at them.

 It opens and out comes Trunks, he smiles at them

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"Hey. I would love to stay and chat but I've come back here to assist in the defeat of the androids," Trunks informed.

"Well, not too long ago we felt someone really powerful," Krillin says. "Not only that but their energy signature feels like an amalgamation of nearly everyone here," Tien Shinhan added.

"That's weird. Well, did you guys encounter the androids yet?" Trunks questioned. "Yeah, but they got away and we have no way to track them down since they don't have ki signatures," Ben told Trunks.

"Ah...this is bad. If you don't mind me asking...how did they look?" Trunks questioned. He feared since this timeline was different from his, the androids may be different too.

"The old man and the fat white mime, that is who you are talking about right?" Goku questioned. It was just like Trunks feared, they did not encounter the same androids that he did.

"There was a mention of someone with a ki signature that resembles us...but that can't be possible," Trunks voiced his uncertainty, his brow furrowed in concern.

"So what can we do?" Vegeta's tone was impatient, his arms folded across his chest.

Trunks sighed, the weight of their situation heavy on his shoulders. "It seems we have no other option than to sit around and wait for this being to come to us."

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