4. Time Skip

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Amidst the awestruck stares of Goku, Krillin, Bulma, Roshi, Tien, and the others, Ben activated his Omnitrix, transforming himself into a Saiyan bearing a striking resemblance to Goku, albeit older. The group stood in stunned silence, their amazement palpable.

Bulma's scientific curiosity flared, and she couldn't contain her fascination. "Now I guess we know why Goku has a tail," she mused aloud. "Where did you get it? What is it called? How many aliens can you turn into?" Her questions poured out in rapid succession.

"Whoa, one question at a time, please," Ben chuckled, his voice laced with amusement.

"Sorry, just excited," Bulma admitted, her enthusiasm unbridled.

Ben decided to shed some light on the mysteries surrounding his Omnitrix. As he explained, Master Roshi, his wise old eyes glinting with interest, interjected, "That is an intriguing device, a dangerous one too."

Ben let out a rueful laugh. "Definitely is dangerous. It has brought me so much trouble."

Tien couldn't help but inquire, "So where do you come from?"

A heavy sigh escaped Ben's lips. "That is complicated to answer. I am not from this... reality... universe... timeline? I don't know. All you have to know is I may be stuck here."

Bulma, never one to mince words, let out an excited scream. "WHAT?! That is soooo cool!"

Ben's confession hung heavily in the air, casting an awkward silence over the group.

"I'm sorry to hear that," Goku said, his empathetic nature shining through. "Thanks, Goku," Ben replied, a hint of gratitude in his voice. With a swift motion, he pressed the badge on his chest, reverting back to his human form.

Concern etched on his face, Goku asked, "Do you have a place to live?"

Ben nodded, explaining that since he wasn't from this dimension, he technically didn't exist in this world.

"That sounds rough. Are you going to be okay?" Krillin inquired, his worry evident.

"Yeah, I'll be good," Ben reassured, his tone resolute.

Bulma, however, wasn't convinced. "No," she declared firmly, her gaze unwavering.

Confused, Ben questioned her decision, prompting everyone to turn their attention to Bulma.

"I am not going to let you wander around like this. I could help you get some identification, and you can work for me," Bulma stated, her confidence radiating assurance.

"You really don't have to," Ben protested.

"No, you are going to," Bulma insisted, her determination unwavering.

"Kid, this is in your best interest," Roshi chimed in, his wisdom backing Bulma's proposition.

After a moment of contemplation, Ben realized the practicality of Bulma's offer. It was a lifeline in a strange world. "Okay, I accept," he said, his decision made, sealing his fate in this new, extraordinary reality.

Briefs' home: Ben found himself facing the formidable Mr. and Mrs. Briefs, Bulma's esteemed parents. Bulma, in her characteristic efficient manner, had already explained Ben's unusual situation, painting the vivid picture of his predicament. Mr. Briefs, a man of keen intellect and insatiable curiosity, found himself utterly fascinated by Ben's tale.

"You have no idea how much I appreciate you all," Ben expressed his gratitude, his voice carrying genuine warmth.

Mrs. Briefs, with a motherly kindness in her eyes, reassured him, "Oh, don't worry. We can't just leave you out in the world with nowhere to go."

Meanwhile, Mr. Briefs, his gaze fixed on the intriguing device strapped to Ben's wrist, couldn't contain his intrigue. "My dear boy," he began, his tone thoughtful, "I couldn't help but notice the device on your wrist. It looks fascinating."

Caught off guard, Ben glanced at Bulma, who gave him an encouraging nod, urging him to share his extraordinary tale. Gathering his words, Ben explained, "Yeah, it's not your ordinary wristwatch. It's called the Omnitrix. A device that allows the user to transform into a multitude of aliens. It's the most powerful device in the universe... or at least... my universe."

A brief but profound silence settled in the room as Mr. and Mrs. Briefs absorbed this fantastical revelation. Ben hesitated, then continued, "I know how this sounds, but—"

Mr. Briefs interrupted him, his voice steady and accepting, "I believe you."

Ben blinked in surprise. "You do?"

Mr. Briefs nodded sagely. "Of course. Space and time are unpredictable. So a device that is the most powerful in the universe is believable."

"W-wow... well, glad you believe me," Ben stammered, genuinely touched by Mr. Briefs' understanding.

The elder scientist's curiosity piqued further. "Maybe I can study the device too, if you'd let me," he suggested.

Considering the proposal, Ben hesitated momentarily before nodding. "I mean... I don't see why not."

Bulma, ever practical and efficient, interjected with a smile, "Great! Ben, you can stay in one of the extra rooms in the building. Soon we'll have your ID and other certifications made."

Ben smiled back, a mix of relief and gratitude evident in his eyes. "Sounds good. Thanks again," he said, his voice carrying the weight of genuine appreciation as he realized he had found allies and a place to call home in this strange, new world.

Year 1:

Kami, the wise guardian of Earth, sought a deeper connection with the group. Driven by this desire, he summoned the mystical power of the Dragon Balls, whispering a wish for eternal youth. In his rejuvenated form, he felt fortified, ready to protect the precious orbs should the fighters ever falter.

Year 2:

Amidst the passing seasons, Ben and Bulma, two kindred spirits, journeyed to visit Chi-Chi and Goku. Their visits, warm and regular, became threads that wove the bonds of friendship tighter, checking in on their dear friends and ensuring the flame of camaraderie continued to burn brightly.

Year 3:

A new chapter began with the arrival of a tiny soul. Gohan, the embodiment of hope, entered the lives of Goku and Chi-Chi. Only Ben and Bulma shared in the joyous secret of Gohan's birth, their hearts swelling with happiness for their friends.

Year 4:

The gravity chamber, a crucible of strength, became a shared sanctuary. Within its unforgiving confines, Goku and Ben found harmony through shared training. In those hours, sweat mingled with determination, forging an unbreakable bond between them, a testament to their shared pursuit of excellence.

Year 5:

As the years unfolded, the proximity of their lives led to an inevitable and beautiful evolution. The time spent together became a tapestry of shared laughter and quiet moments. Within the heart of their adventures, a profound affection blossomed between Ben and Bulma. For her, a strong spirit and courageous heart were irresistible traits, and he found solace in her unwavering support.

Year 7:

In the seventh year, Master Roshi invited the group to a reunion at Kame House. An assembly of familiar faces gathered—Ben, Bulma, Chi-Chi, Goku, Krillin, Tien, and Chiaotzu. The group, expectant and joyful, was caught off guard when Goku and Chi-Chi arrived with a young boy by their side.

The child introduced himself with an innocence that charmed them all, "I'm Gohan."

As if choreographed by fate, a figure descended from the skies, his long hair billowing in the wind, clad in battle-worn armor. His voice, a mixture of recognition and amazement, broke the silence, "Kakarot! My, you look just like father!"

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