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☆*:.。. o(▽)o .。.:*☆


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☆*:.。. o(▽)o .。.:*☆

The soldier made his way down to Madam B's office, all of the girls now fast asleep in their beds, nightmares filling their young minds. Pushing open the double oak doors, his boots stomped on the floor as he entered, the blonde woman looking up at him as everyone in the room left because she nodded her head to do so.

"What, Soldier?" She questioned, in Russian.

"Nova Black." The soldier replied, also in Russian. "She's struggling."

"No, she's exceeding in all of her lessons according to my sheets. For a five year old, she's incredibly intelligent." Madam B responded.

"No, she's lacking in concentration. It is taking longer to teach her things she is not interested in." He informed her.

"I have noticed her zoning out in lessons such as ballet and languages. Come to think of it, she only really concentrates during the lessons surrounding space. Not even in the television room." Madam B thought aloud. "How is she in your lessons?"

"Trails off. Forgets the reason for the lesson and reads in her head. Maybe stares at the wall for a while or picks at something. She is easily distracted." The soldier listed.

"Hm. We have to get her back on track. I will not stand for this intolerance." Madam B stated.

"I do not think it is intolerance-"

"Fix the problem, soldier." She snapped and he nodded, leaving the room.

The next day, at the usual time, all of the girl were filtered into the Tv room. Nova seat down on her seat, shuffling slightly to get comfortable as she put on the headphones, girls around her doing the same. The Tv's flickered on and Beauty and The Beast came onto the screen, Nova immediately becoming disinterested. It was another Snow White situation.

Her finger nails began to dig into her juice pox, ripping the cardboard into tiny little pieces that scattered across her table. Her feet kicked backwards and forwards under the chair, still unable to touch the floor yet. Although, if she pointed her toes, the tip of her pumps would graze the floor but she'd have to stretch her legs out to do so.

The soldier watched from the corner of the room, looking as she tore apart the juice box absentmindedly. His gaze followed hers as she looked up at the top of the wall, the tiniest square window there. He watched as she squinted her eyes, looking out of the small piece of glass, trying to work out what shape the cloud was in her mind.

Pushing back his chair sharply, some of the girls flinched, keeping their eyes on the screens while others didn't hear the noise. Nova was still staring out of the glass when a hand clamped down on her small shoulder and she turned to see the soldier looking down at her, mask on again now. He looked scary again.

"Follow me, now." The soldier ordered, walking out of the room, turning back when Nova just gazed at him in confusion. "Now!"

Nova flinched at the volume of his shout, some of the girl turning to see what was happening. Taking her headphones off and placing down the few scraps of juice box, Nova hopped off the chair and walked after the soldier, head bowed low as he grabbed her arm with his metal hand, tugging her along, albeit, not very hard which surprised her greatly. 

"What did I do, Winter?" Nova asked quietly, hiding her happiness of the fact she didn't stutter.

"Intolerance." He grunted back, although he knew it wasn't and he didn't even bother to correct her for the nickname.

She was scared. They all were. No one in their right mind would purposely not do something when given the order from Madam B, the soldiers, the teachers and even the cooks. Nova didn't want to be punished for something she couldn't remember deciding to do. The soldier knew this but he didn't have a choice in the matter. He was as trapped as the girls.

Knocking on the door of Madam B's office, the soldier pushed it open when he heard her tell him to do so. Dragging Nova in, he pushed her towards a seat and she plopped down, still confused and now tapping her thigh out of nervousness. Madam B looked up from the file she was ready, closing the folder and looking down  at Nova.

"What did she do?" The Russian lady asked him.

"Intolerance." The soldier stated firmly, standing behind Nova's chair.

"I have be told of this already, I expected it to be a one time thing." Madam B tutted, shaking her head while Nova just sat there in confusion. "Do you know the consequences to your actions?"

"What d-d-did I do?" Nova asked with a tilted head and Madam B slammed a ruler down onto the table, causing her to flinch greatly.

"You do not speak without permission!" Madam B shouted angrily, standing up and grabbing her arm, pulling her up as well. "You are going to be punished for this behaviour!"

Nova looked at the soldier in confusion but he was just staring ahead at the wall, arms straight down next to his body. Nova whimpered loudly as Madam B dug her nails into the girls arm, making her turn back to the Russian.

"Where is your place in the world?" Madam B demanded.

"I have no pl-pl-pl..." Nova trailed off, unable to say the word.

A harsh sting was felt on her cheek and her eyes began to burn with tears. Madam B glared down at her, satisfied with the back-hand she'd just given the helpless child. Nova tried not to cry, willing herself to force back the tears in fear of something worse than the punishment she was already about to receive but a stray tear fell down her cheek, landing on the tiles almost tauntingly.

"You do not cry, child!" Madam B seethed, grabbing her face roughly. "Pull yourself together!"

Nova forced another tear back, doing so successfully as Madam B gripped her arm, pulling her out of the room, the soldier following in a robotic state. The child's eyes went wide seeing the room they were about to enter. It was known to almost every girl in the Red Room that if you went in there, nothing good could happen. A situation had occurred where sometimes girls didn't even come back to their dorms.

Madam B pushed open the door of the dark room and Nova looked around to see a doctors table in the centre and that was it. The Russian woman pushed her forwards harshly, making her fall towards the bed. Nova took the hint and pushed herself up onto it, sitting cross-legged on the table.

"Lie down." Madam B ordered


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