♔9. SPILL (Part II)

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"If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself

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"If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself." –George Orwell, 1984

B r i e l l e W i n t e r s

THIS WAS HARDER than I thought...the concept of suppression. While sitting at one of the fancy tables and benches outside, my mind could not refrain from thinking of the fight Brody and I had before he went missing.

Focus Brielle.

My fingers traveled across the keyboard of my laptop hitting every letter but all I was writing was absolute filler and fluff.

I stopped typing and thought hard. I tried to get my mind to think of the Legend I witnessed at Smiling Faces of Today. The brilliant and kind Alpha the people cheered for. I tried to write about how I saw him...what I felt...before I knew we were mates.

And as good as that was...it wasn't revolutionary.

Many blogs and features have written him in that light.

And though it was true that Alpha King Legend was a Brilliant and kind humanitarian, it was not the hard hitting story I was trying to capture during my stay here.

Legend was more than just his Alpha title.

My mind began to travel to the moment his lips grazed against mine, to how his touch ignited parts of me that were asleep for so long, to his deep set eyes--

My breathing quickened and I shut my laptop.

He was more. He was zealous, mysterious, and filled with passion.

He was my mate.

and the world cannot know.

How could I write a proper feature on him without revealing what we were to one another? I was trying to write as a journalist who just met her subject, but I found myself writing in ways so personal and too intimate.

Would I ever make any progress?

"Ava, I'm telling you all the clubs on Monroe Blvd. will be open tonight..."

I look up to see two brunettes had sat down on the table beside mine.

"I know but Alpha Legend needs my help to orchestrate an event along with his team that is set to take place next Tuesday." One of the girls said. She had beautiful big hazel eyes and a exhausted look on her face.

   Her exhaustion did not take away from her ethereal look with her hair tie up delicately and her numerous accessories that adorned her body; her low cut top exposed a cool crescent moon tattoo that boldly on her chest below her collarbones.

"But Ice Breaker's grand opening since it got shut down for ripping off its human employees is today. Don't you want to be a part of this monumental time in history?" The other girl with pronounced brown eyes and high cheek bones that looked like they were in an editorial magazine commented smugly. "Two words. Social Justice."

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