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"Yesterday is but today's memory, and tomorrow is today's dream

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"Yesterday is but today's memory, and tomorrow is today's dream." — Khalil Gibran

L e g e n d B l a d e

SHE WAS A beauty as her body laid on top of me under the tussled blankets of the bed. Her hair, now thick and curly, messily framed her beautiful face. I rested my nose in the fluffy softness of her strands and kissed her head.

The mark on her neck was prominently red and stood out against her brown skin.

My unruly mind could not help but replay all that had taken place last night. All that I had done to her body. Her light breathing against me stirred the beast within as even the air that she breathed was a trigger for my sexual appetite.

She was everything. Her tightness. Her wetness. Her softness. Just everything.

Last night proved to me what I knew all along.

Her body was brilliant like her mind it was made of gold...and as humble as she was she knew that.

She knew how to drive a man wild.

She knew how to satisfy an Alpha.

She knew how to love.


I held her tighter with pride trying to shut my eyes and fall back asleep. That was impossible as my mind kept drifting to work responsibilities. I had a meeting with Alpha Kenneth and I had to start the the expedition process to get Brielle's nephew out of foster care.

I growled to myself and gently placed Brielle's naked body off of me. I wanted nothing more than to wake up with her and repeat all my actions of last night.

But with all the discipline in me, I got up from the soft bed and proceeded into the kitchen. We would need to leave soon and I wanted to make her some breakfast.

I could show her I was a chef after all.


As I poured the mixture of eggs, salt, onion, garlic, and peppers into the skillet, I immediately reduced the heat to low. The mixture began to sizzle and inundate the home's air with its scent.

Another scent dominated my senses though. It was an exhilarating scent—oh so familiar. A scent my body craved more than ever before. A aura that I would die for, this smell was one that I shamelessly was an addict for.

I could smell her sweet scent better than ever before.

With the mate bond now completed, I knew her body like the back of my hand now.

I turned around and watched Brielle as she walked into the kitchen with her long curly mane tousled in every direction. She sported a long button up shirt of mine that covered her body like a dress, and she wore long white socks. She was adorable.

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