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"There is no remedy for love but to love more

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"There is no remedy for love but to love more." - Henry David Thoreau

B r i e l l e W i n t e r s

MY BREATH HITCHES as the man who smelled of masculine pine and an luxurious earthy petrichor that carried a promise of new beginnings walked out the door to the lit room. The aftermath of our passionate kiss lingered in mind as I stood almost dumbfounded.

No one has ever kissed me like that. 

The kiss of the Alpha King carried emotions I cold not describe and a hunger I could not fathom.

And it not only fed my preconscious ego but something much more intimate and fragile.

My heart.

The deep voices from outside the room woke me up from my deep thoughts, and I managed to zip the back of my dress to the the top of my back my arm not being able to secure it fully. I straightened the the top of my dress making sure the silk boddice could contain my chest enough to where I was showing a more 'conservative' amount of cleavage.

I could hear the door slam shut and my eyes look up to see Lexis walking towards me with slow strides. His eyes that once held a dark yellow hue with a supernatural sexual angst was no more and there they were with their usual beautiful blue pigment but with worry held in them.

"Somethings wrong?" I ask.

Sometimes I wondered why I bothered to question him as everything regarding us was just so new. How could he ever fully trust me with my profession...or what was once my profession.

Yet the adoration in his eyes as he watched me straighten the skirt of my dress told me an opposite story. Was he growing to trust me?

"Nothing you need to worry yourself with," He says. "We should head back to the banquet hall and be good hosts."

His tall figure which wore a luxurious sleek suit made his way to me. He bent down so his lips were at my ear and whispered words that caused the most sacred parts of my body to react.

"The party is not over yet, Brielle."


As we made our way to the large banquet hall, the flashing cameras began their erratic attacks. Legend snaked his arm around my waist holding me tight to him and kissing the top of my head.

"Let's not mind them," He says lowly.

The attendees clapped and bowed as we made our way into the after party and the press were much more pressing than before. Was this the ins of the world of the supernatural elite? A world that humans were now free to enter yet still so inaccessible to most? In their fancy ball gowns and designer suits, they watched me with eyes I never earned from them before...pride.

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