♔16. SILK

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"I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where

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"I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride." - Pablo Neruda

B r i e l l e W i n t e r s

HE HAD A interesting habit of tapping his feet subtly on the ground when he told a story. He had a quirky way of stretching out his limbs when lounging but if I was as tall as him...I would probably do the same.

His laugh was a gorgeous rhythm that entered my ears, a quiet orchestra of boyish laughs and charm that made my body throb.

These were all things I picked up about him in just 1 hour of us alone in this bungalow. As we sat on the couch close in proximity, eyes zoned in on each other, I couldn't help but relish in his voice as he told a story.

I was fixated on him.

"And my mother...she was always so bold and confident in all the things that made her human. She made me proud of being a half blood..."

"Does your hybrid-ness impact your comparability to other Alphas?"

"Most hybrids are weaker than pure werewolves but that didn't happen with me and my brother." He starts off. "The nurses think it's because of this drug that was in my father's system which strengthened the power of his wolf but cursing him with incredible instability and health issues. They feel like it genetically altered me and my brother making us stronger than hybrid wolves—hell even stronger than pure bloods."

That was fascinating. The Blade twins' genetic supremacy would never falter because of their father's blood.

"These genetics will most likely never die. And with the stone of life, death is made even more impossible. The leadership knows of me and my brother's infinite strength and their confidence in this new administration lies in that." He adds.

The sunset of the sky penetrated through the luxurious glass windows. I turned my head slightly, my eyes tracing the black rims of the transparent glass.

"It's like you and your brother are symbolic to the strength of Elefthería."

The words I spoke held weight considering that he and Legion were not on speaking terms.

Legend flashed me an unreadable look before he turned his head away from me and looked towards the back patio which had a pool with water so blue.

I could see a smirk tug at the corners of his lips.

He got up and I watch as he walked towards the patio doors. He grabbed the bottom of his t-shirt before pulling it off his body revealing his toned body and chiseled arms.

Oh my God.

He opened the doors before looking back at me with a playful smile on his face.

   I watched as he runs and jumps into the rectangular pool with a huge splash. His boyish laughs filled the whole house and I watched stunned at the man in front of me.

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