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L e g e n d ❦ B l a d e

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L e g e n d B l a d e

I COULD SMELL the burnt wood from the tent I was in as I began to prepare for one of the biggest battles of my time as Alpha. This battle was far different than the others, in which I wasn't leading a militia of wolves, but I was a lone wolf fighting against another.

The ring of fire was a fight between two Alphas to settle stalemates in the voting process. It was rarely done during the reign of the Supernatural Union and never done since my father had acquired the title of King of Alphas.

One reason why was because death was guaranteed. Historically, the reason why the ring of fire settled votes was because one from the opposing side would die...no longer able to vote against the other. It was a fight till the death, a brutal and barbaric practice but it was as far as I willing to go to the defend the honor of me and my mate.

But as Brielle's doe brown eyes watched me pull off my dress shirt with a level of fear I had never seen before, a ting of regret clouded my heart.

"Legend, you don't have to do this. There has to be another way to get the bill passed." She said, the anxiety obvious in her voice.

I met her eyes before grabbing the bottle of water that sat on a wooden table inside the tent and sprinkled it on my face, trying to chill my body from the blaring heat.

"Brielle, this isn't just about the bill." I responded. "This impacts my respect as Alpha King and Alpha Kenneth knows this. He wants the other Alphas to undermine me just as he does. I will show him what a fool he is for doing so."

Brielle's face further falters into a frown. She ran both hands through her long curly locks. She shakes her head at me.

"P-Please..." Her voice is so weak it came out like a whimper. "We can work together to get the other Alphas on board."

The pain in her voice effects me tremendously but I managed to pull myself out of my heart and remain in my head blocking out my emotions. I looked to her now almost absentmindedly before heading out of the tent leaving her behind.

As I left the tent, I could see from the top of the hill that planks of fire were already embedded in the ground in the shape of a circle, the crazy flames smoking up the air. Alphas were already at the top of the hill on the outskirts of the plank barriers, bowing their heads at the sight of me as I walked up the hill.

Alpha Kenneth, in nothing but his slacks, is already in position in the center of the ring of fire. The older man looked towards me in contempt and the anger already brewing in my body reached an even higher level of ferocity.

My body passed in between two of the fiery wooden planks making me way to the center of the circle of fire.

"Its a shame," Kenneth murmured. "I have great respect for your father. I hate what I am about to do to his son."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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