♔19. ANIMAL (Part II)

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"There is a savage beast in every man, and when you hand that man a sword or spear and send him forth to war, the beast stirs

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"There is a savage beast in every man, and when you hand that man a sword or spear and send him forth to war, the beast stirs." ― George R.R. Martin, A Storm of Swords

L e g e n d B l a d e

     THE AIR CRACKLED with tension as I led my warriors towards the looming threat of the feral wolves. Each step we took was heavy with the weight of impending conflict, the scent of blood and danger hanging thick in the air.

The distant howls of the feral wolves echoed through my forest lands, evidence of the savage adversaries we were about to face. My heart pounded in my chest, a steady rhythm of anticipation and adrenaline coursing through my veins.

As we approached the edge of the forest, the rustle of leaves and the snap of twigs betrayed the presence of our enemies, their predatory instincts sharpened by the thrill of the hunt. They were in a herd, dozens of them circling around my borders with their unique colored grey and brown fur distinct.

With my silent command, we surged forward, our movements swift and coordinated as we closed the distance between us and the feral wolves. The clash of steel and the snarl of beasts filled the humid air, an inevitable symphony of chaos and violence.

My senses were heightened, every nerve on edge as I fought with a primal ferocity, my instincts guiding every move. Not too far me, Beta William fought with equal fervor before six feral wolves began their attack on him.

I growled, running on my beasts four legs to get to him, knocking down any outlying wolves in my way. I sunk my teeth into the back of one of William's aggressors before tossing its body to the side like nothing. We both worked together in subduing the rest of them before joining the rest of the pack in the enter of field.

But even as we pressed forward, driving back the tide of feral wolves, I could sense the lingering presence of uncertainty. This was strange. There had never been so many in my borders—hell in all forests near Elefthería.

This battle was far from over.


    Councilwoman Tarah's funeral was a private gathering located in her estate in the outskirts of Elefthería Square located in an isolated corner of a distinct suburb. Many of Tarah's closest subordinates trickled into the funeral admiring the walls decorated with ancient paintings; Tarah's council suggested the funeral be private due to Tarah's final wishes but a public memorial would be had in the next few days.

"She was 92 years old...wow. It seems just like yesterday that she was giving me Alpha Female training." My mother says softly, looking at a picture of her that hung on the tallest wall in the large living room where most of the attendees gathered.

"She would have loved to see you rule." My father says wrapping his arm around my mom. "In the next few days, you chancellor journey will begin."

My mother wet eyes look at him before looking to me, her lips curling into a small smile.

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