♔13. FLESHLY (Part II)

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"The flesh endures the storms of the present alone; the mind, those of the past and future as well as the present

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"The flesh endures the storms of the present alone; the mind, those of the past and future as well as the present." - Epicurus

L e g e n d B l a d e

THE WHITE HUES of the camera lights flashed my face as I was bombard with praise and bows of the guest who arrived. Members from the coalition of Alphas arrived with prestigious members of their council.

"Alpha King!" Alpha Foster's wide eyes met mine with excitement. "Legend, you sure know how to shake up the world huh?" He says looking around at the large amount of press that gathered around the perimeter of the pack's entrance.

That's one way to put it.

He flashes a smile before he extended out a hand to a tall red head and she links her arm around his. The red head looks to me with curious eyes before bowing her head to me. I raised my brow before looking to Foster who gave me a shameless smile.

"Please tell me this mate of yours is just a rumor," Foster says "Don't tell me you're already settling down? "

I hid my hint of annoyance at the words that left Alpha Foster's drunken breath and flashed him a rivaling sly smile.

He chuckles before nudging the red head inside. "Keeping the world on its toes...done just like a king should." He says as he follows her inside the pack house.

The hollers of my name from the press did not faze me nor did the curious comments of the hundreds of guests as they entered the function. I mingled with the crowd playing to my biggest strength, my charisma, to distract the guests from the cross I was truly carrying.

"Alpha king, you're needed at the west hall's pavilion." Mason's voice announced from behind me.


There she was.

Under the the sandstone structure privately hidden by the oak hood trees with a gorgeous yellow dress that was the honey to her chocolate skin. Her round and feminine face looked to me from afar as I approached and I could see the worry from where I was.

In the garment she bore, there was no point in hiding as she would be the most beautiful girl at the banquet.

The beauty in front of me would no longer be vested by just me.

but to the world.

I soon would announce her as mine.

When I get to the pavilion she runs into my arms and I grasp her body gently.

"Are you in any pain?" I asked her growing a bit angry just thinking about the attack yesterday.

She shakes her head with contrived confidence, but I could tell she was being dishonest.

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