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"Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye

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"Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye." - H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

L e g e n d B l a d e

IT HAD BEEN two days since the banquet in which what was to come after were the consequences of a gust of events. The news of Chancellor Tarah's death competed with my official declaration of Brielle Winters as my mate. The press clamored at the perimeters of my lands, eager for interviews, while the council grappled with a barrage of scheduling demands.

Seated on a leather chair in my office, Councilman Robert jotted down notes, his brow furrowed in concentration. "Elefthería Weekly won't be possible," he announced, his tone decisive. "But the Alpha Coalition is requesting a meeting by next week. I'll ensure it's arranged promptly."

I remained fixed on my desk, the steady ticking of the clock serving as a backdrop to our conversation. "And Tarah's funeral?" I inquired, my voice steady despite the weight of responsibility pressing upon me.

"I've already confirmed your attendance, as well as that of all council members. It's scheduled for three days from now."

As I contemplated the tasks ahead, I couldn't shake the looming idea of my mother's potential return.  The whirlwind of media scrutiny was matched only by the mounting demands of my role.

This was confirmed as General Mason storms into my office with a red folder in his hand and a very telling expression on his face. Clutching a red folder tightly in his hand, he addressed me with a solemn tone. "Alpha Legend," he began, his voice low and serious, "Ivy's father, Alpha Kenneth, is insisting on making an appearance tomorrow afternoon. He was in attendance at the banquet ball and inquired about his daughter's absence."

My anger simmered beneath the surface, my blood running cold at the mere mention of Ivy's father. "There's not much we can disclose to him," I replied, frustration lacing my words. "We cannot risk divulging sensitive information about the investigation, especially now that it involves Legion. Who's to say he won't use whatever we tell him to shield his daughter from the consequences of her actions?"

Councilman Robert, still seated in my leather chair, dared to interject, his voice tentative. "We could refrain from disclosing anything about the letter from Legion," he suggested, his gaze meeting mine timidly. "After all, we lack concrete proof that it was indeed sent by him."

My stern gaze bore into Councilman Robert, his posture wilting under my scrutiny. I turned to General Mason, his raised brows prompting me to reconsider. He had a valid point. How long could we conceal Ivy's disappearance from the outside world? Alpha Kenneth deserved to know about his daughter, and maintaining control over the intel and investigation was crucial.

"Tell him I anticipate our meeting tomorrow evening," I finally replied, a sense of resolve settling over me. As long we were in control of the intel and investigation, our efforts would be protected.

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